Create Your Own “Versailles” with a Front Yard Fountain

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<align=”top”>So maybe you don’t live in an actual palace- that doesn’t mean your home can’t be inspired by one!
After all, “A home is a man’s castle,” so why not give your home the royal treatment?

fountain <align=”right”>We may not all have the landscape to command
the grandeur of the fountains in the gardens of the French palace known for opulence, Versailles, but choosing an
exterior fountain is all about proportion, perspective, and design.

Proportion involves choosing a fountain that is relative in size to the size of your home. It sounds complicated
and mathematically involved but it’s really quite simple: a three-tier fountain is too large for a single-story home,
and a single-tier fountain is probably too small for a three-story home. You want to fountain to be noticeable,

but you don’t want to overwhelm your house or underwhelm your fountain.
Perspective refers to where you choose to place your fountain: the closer your fountain is to your home the larger
it will appear; the further away your fountain is, the smaller your fountain will appear relative to your home. Keep
these tips in mind when choosing the size of your fountain because even though a three-tier fountain may look
proportionally accurate in front of a three-story home, the fountain still needs to be a distance from your home to
avoid looking larger than it really is.

Choosing the design of your fountain can be the enjoyable part of enhancing your front yard, but that doesn’t
mean the process is easy. Now that you’ve chosen the size of your fountain and its distance from your home, there
are many decorative aspects to consider. There’s color, aging, design, water flow, shape, and many other features
to consider. The most important question to ask yourself when choosing the design of your fountain is “does
this fountain match the aesthetic and architecture of my home?” Take into account the color, shape, age, and
composition of your home.


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  1. I’m sold! Would make a wonderful addition!

  2. WE used to have a fountain and small water garden at our old home. It is pretty but the kids fell in all the time.

  3. Oddly enough my kids always ask for a garden fountain, but I’m saving for a nice sized one 🙂

  4. I have a small fountain but I love it!

  5. fountains are great.

  6. Now I want a fountain in my garden!

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