A Short Hello From Florida

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Hanging out in Orlando- and anxious to tell you all about our travels. The WiFi is NOT my friend right about now- the hotel we are at has the worst service I have ever encountered-so stay tuned πŸ™‚ Make sure you are following my tweets and friend me on FourSquare and Facebook so that you can see what we are up to in real time- pictures too, of course πŸ™‚

Today is my last day at SheCon12 and tomorrow we resume regular travels in the great state of Florida.
Happy travels- make every day count. Travel makes some precious memories that will last everyone’s lifetime.

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  1. i want to explain important thing sot princesess!

  2. The picture is adorable. I love taking pictures of my children with different characters. Florida has so many places to visit for kids to enjoy and adults too. Enjoy the vacation, but I am sure the weather is hot.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  3. Have fun chicky! Love that suitcase πŸ™‚

  4. HOpe your having fun. Sorry to hear about the bad internet connection. I have that issue there as well

  5. Oh no bad internet and poor service is not good. I look forward to what you will have to say. Is that Princess Jasmine with your little man, how cute!

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