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Get 20% off everything in the sun care department at drugstore.com! So if you are in need of any sun care product, sunscreen, and more now is the time to check out the items they offer! This Offer ends 06.23.2012.
Inspired Silver is having a $7 Sale on some of their Jewelry!! They have some really cute items marked down right now. Granted you can’t wear the jewelry in the shower as it might turn your skin green, but just be cautious when you wear it.
Baby Age is having a Summer Savings Event – Up to 65% Off! They have strollers, changing tables, toys, accessories and so much more for sale.
Plus when you sign up for email alerts they will give you a $10 Off your next order!
The Disney Store has some great clearance items right now under the Twice Upon a Year Sale. They have girls nightgowns marked down to $7.99, Sunglasses for $2.99 and much much more!!
Plus if you go through Ebates.com you can score 3% Cash Back on your order!
These great deals brought to you by Have Sippy’s contributing deal blogger, Kelsey, sharing her fun finds with you!
Want More Great Deals? Feel Free to check out her blog –ChicnSavvy Reviews
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