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As the weather gets nicer, more and more people hit the road. In today’s world, that means not only traffic congestion but increased encounters between different types of motorists. When thousands of different vehicles meet on crowded roads, the stakes are higher. Learning to safely share the road is essential–especially when you’re travelling on freeways full of cars, motorcycles, and trucks in beachside towns. Here are some tips for safe traveling:
Slow Down
Whether you’re behind the wheel of a car or truck, or riding your bike or motorcycle, the law is relatively the same. You have to follow posted speed limits. There’s good reason for this. The faster you go, the more likely it is that you’ll lose control of your vehicle and get into an accident. To keep things safe–for yourself and everyone else on the road–don’t speed. In the case of summer rain storms, try to go 5-10 miles under the speed limit to account for the potential of skidding.
Stay Aware
It can be easy to zone out while you’re driving or biking. But it’s very important to stay alert, focused and keep an eye on your surroundings. This is doubly true when the road is crowded. There are some obvious things to avoid: don’t travel when you’re sleep deprived or under the influence of drugs and alcohol; don’t text and drive–or bike; if you’re biking, think twice about wearing headphones, as they might make you miss some crucial sound. Whatever vehicle you’re on, be sure to keep your eyes open and your mind alert.
Put Yourself in the Other Guy’s Shoes
When sharing the road with different forms of vehicles, dangerous misunderstandings can easily happen. Take some time to familiarize yourself with what it’s like to handle other vehicles so you can safely interact with them. For example, if you encounter a truck be sure to pay attention to the blind spots.
If you follow these tips, you’ll greatly reduce your chances of getting in an accident. However, you can’t control what everyone else does. If something does goes wrong and you do get into an accident truck accident attorneys and other legal aid can be very helpful. And if you successfully sue an irresponsible truck driver, you’ll be helping make the roads safer for everyone. Traveling safely and responsibly is the foundation for summer fun. Nothing ruins a good time faster than having to take a trip to the emergency room.
And share the road with runners! We have a right to be there too!
Great tips to stay safe this summer!
SUCH great tips – not just in summer, but all the time too!
Thanks for the great advice!