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Clifford is arguably one of the top ten most recognizable dogs in the US, possibly the world, but my measurements for that conclusion is still pending. Clifford is the big red dog who lives with his owner and their family. Fun fact that I am sure all of you die hard Clifford fans know, Clifford started out as the runt of the litter. The books are great fun for kids because it gets some creative thinking moving. It can give them some fun ideas about size changes and gives them very silly ideas like mice the size of elephants or elephants the size of poodles.
Also, there is a lesson behind every story, most of which involve being an active member of your community, acceptance, and kindness. I feel community is a very important topic kids should learn. With computers and cell phone further connecting people, while still keeping them separate, kids need to learn the importance of working together for a greater goal and getting along in face to face interactions.
Clifford is also the star of a cartoon series on PBS kids. There are actually two series running on PBS now, one is with regular Clifford ad another one called Clifford’s Puppy Days, which retells stories from Clifford’ s puppy days, as a small dog.

Douglas Cuddle Pals are a gem. And ranging in prices from $9.99 to 155.99 there are some very affordable Clifford plush available. Also no matter what the size of the toy, Douglas quality is consistently high. There is no excuse for not having the cute red dog, big or small taking of a bit of your child’s bed at night.
I think the fuzzles are cute
Blue Dog Snuggler
tony the tiger
Maps the Calico Cat 🙂
729 Jade Blue Dragon
Troy the Golden Retriever
I like the stuffed squirrel.
I like the Melbourne Kangaroo!
We LOVE penguins in my family, so the Bibs Emperor Penguin would be a hit here!
my favorite cereal is Special K with Berries
268 Marshmallow Polar Bear
I like the 4054 Pax Unicorn.
I”m pretty fond of llamas 🙂
I love the Milly the Pinkest Kitten line
I like the creme Lamb little snuggler
My fav Star Wars character is R2D2
cmcosman at yahoo dot com
I like Snow Flake Seal
cmcosman at yahoo dot com
I like 341 Zoe Bay Horse
We love the Puzzle calico Cat Plush!
I like puzzle calico cat
I like the golden dragon.
I like the Snowflake seal
I like the Wolfgang Pointer, they are all cute though!
I’d say cheerios
Topaz the golden dragon is cute
I like all the cats, especially the Cloudy Gray Cat
baby Hippo !!!!!!
My favorite would be the Lil’ Giddy-Up Sak with horse.
sflickinger at rocketmail dot com
Another great item is 1275.2 Tender Teddy
tatty terry love heart bear
cheerios is my favorite cereal
Favorite Star Wars character is Yoda
I like 3835 Mega Filbert.
Willy the wolf is cute
My favorite cereal is Reeses Peanutbutter Puffs
I like the Topaz Golden Dragon.
I love the Zelda monkey fuzzle
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com
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I like the 1539.2 Kiwi & Pink Mermaid!
Tsering Himalayan Cat is my favorite
Sadie B.