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Packing a car for a trip can be very difficult if the whole family is going. Things get even worse
if the trip is going to be very long, or if you need to pack a lot of items. There is a certain art to
packing, and it needs to be done correctly to get everything in the car. If you find it difficult to fit
everything into the car, then follow these helpful tips to get yourself situated.
Pack the Last Item First
This is a technique that can help you manage your car space. Most people pack the essentials
first, and that can work. At the same time, packing the essentials first puts them at the bottom of
the car. If you need the item right now, then it’s going to be aggravating to get it out from the
bottom of the trunk.
It’s a better idea to pack the last item you will use first. For example, if you are going to a water
park, then you will probably need towels. You won’t need those towels until you reach the water
park, so it would be a better idea to pack them first.
Working in this order allows you to put the items you need first right in front of you. This is
much more convenient when you need to reach an essential item immediately, and it will allow
you to better configure the items.
Use Fewer Suitcases
Suitcases have long been useful tools for carrying travel items, but they aren’t the most efficient
way of carrying those items. Suitcases are bulky, and there is often a thick layer of material that
takes up a lot of room. This can make it difficult to pack items when you need to use every inch
of room.
It’s better to use big plastic bags. There are many plastic bags made exclusively for travel, and
they are very useful for conserving space. The bag uses a thin layer of plastic. This means that
you are efficiently using all the space in the bag. It is also easier to remove air from the bag, and
this can be used to squish down soft items like clothes.
These bags are best with items that are not fragile. This is because they do not offer quite as
much protection as a suitcase, but they will help conserve space.
Communal Bags
Kids will often want to have their own bags, but this can be a big waste of space. You may have
to pack an entire bag, but the bag may not be full. You can avoid wasting space like this by using
communal bags. These are bags that are designated for two or more people.
For example, one child and one parent can share a bag. This means that fewer bags are needed,
and you can stuff more items into your car for the trip.
Balance the Car
Always make sure to balance the items to make driving easier. Most people naturally do this, but
there are some that do not. Balancing the car means that there is roughly equal weight on the
right and left sides.
There are several reasons for doing this. Balancing the car makes driving much easier because
the car may swerve or drift slightly if the load is unbalanced. Unbalanced packing can also put
more stress on the tires, and this may cause a tire to burst while driving.
Small Toy Bag
Most kids want to bring all of their toys with them. This could be because your child is
indecisive and wants to play with everything, or your child might be worried about the toys
disappearing when you return. While you might want to give in and pack every toy possible, it’s
much better to persuade your child to pack one small bag.
Give your child a bag, and tell him or her to fill it with whatever he or she wants on the trip. This
allows your child to choose the best toys, and it ensures that you save room for packing essential
Packing all of the items for a trip can be very difficult when the whole family is going, but it is
possible. Just use these tips, and you should be able to pack your car without any problems.
Author Bio
George Dennis is president of King Shade and Window, a home improvement company that
helps customers compare replacement window and roller shade prices for all windows.
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