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Best Offer Buy Weekly Deal: Cute Spiderman Toothbrush Holder (2 Pc) @ USD $1.80 Shipped
!! With the new Spider Man coming out, this would be a fun little thing to have for your kiddo’s!!
Taco Bell has a delicious deal right now! You can snag a coupon: Buy One Get One Free Cantina Bowl at Taco Bell Coupon on their Facebook Page. They will send you an email and you can print it or show it to them on your phone, to score this sale!
50% OFF 12×12 Photo Books at Shutterfly! 7/6 – 7/11. Just use Code: SAVE50 to score this sale! Plus
new customer Get 50 free prints when you sign up, so that is an extra little perk!
The Orchid Boutique is having a summer sale right now where you can buy items at 30-70% off! They have a lot of swimwear on sale, with a few coverups! These are more name brand items, so they will be a bit more then normal brands.
Want More Great Deals? Feel Free to check out her blog –ChicnSavvy Reviews
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