More Fun at Oasis Day Camps

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If you are looking for the best summer camps, I think you should look into Oasis. My son is having a great time, and he is several weeks in. They have had some fun events, like Pajama Jamma day, and even field trips to the zoo and a children’s museum. Pajama Jamma day was so much fun for him and he really enjoyed himself. The kids all looked so cute in their PJ’s!

Little Man is learning to swim- he is a little bit afraid of pools and large bodies water, but his counselors are very patient with him, and little by little he is getting more comfortable with the water. The kids are all at different skill levels- and some of the kids, like Little, are weary of water, while some are little water babies! The staff all get into the water with the kids to help them feel comfortable and learn to swim and stay safe.

The morning rallies are the way each day starts- and a good way to build team spirit and have fun at the same time. The songs are silly and LOUD, which the kids love, and every day the counselors and kids get to give “shout outs” (attaboys) to others, whether it is for reaching a milestone, having a birthday, or just being a good friend. And I love how the staff gets into it! (LOL, this guy had me laughing out loud)

Next week will be Little Man’s last at Oasis. He has had a great time so far, and I am sure next week will be no different!

(other Oasis posts can be found HERE and HERE)


  1. We loved having Little Man at camp! We miss him so much already and we hope the two of you are enjoying the rest of your summer! Send a big hello to him from all of his buddies here at Oasis! 🙂

  2. Looks like a great adventure. My kids attended day camps at a local nature center and we loved the inclusion of education, conservation and stewardship that was included in the weekly themed programs!

  3. Aww, looks like he is having a great time!

  4. That looks like a really fun camp! I love the idea of Pajama day.

  5. It looks like he is having a ball! Finding a good summer camp is so important! I just dropped my son off at his this morning and he was so very excited! Hope you son has a fun last week!

  6. That looks like a great place to send the kids! I’m glad he’s enjoying it. My son is heading out to camp later today – it’s 5 nights away! He’s 9 and I can’t believe he’s old enough to do something like that.

  7. Awww…that looks like so much fun for kids!
    Whirlwind of Surprises

  8. looks like a lot of fun for your little man

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