Bob Parsons – The Way I Work

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Bob Parsons, founder and Executive Chairman of the Go Daddy group, is a self made
billionaire entrepreneur. Maybe this interests you either as an entrepreneur that would like to improve your
bottom line, or want to become an entrepreneur who makes a good income.

Work, is the key here. If you are looking for a formula to get quick rich, you are in the wrong
place. Bob Parsons is and has always been about putting in the time and effort needed
to succeed. A self taught programmer, Bob began his road to the top in 1984 with a
company he started- Parsons Technology. He began marketing and selling his
program, MoneyCounts, in his spare time and within three years quit his “day” job to
work on selling and supporting MoneyCounts, full-time.

Within seven years, Parsons Technology had grown to employ 1,000 people. In
1994 Bob was able to sell the company to Intuit for $64 million dollars. But, as
mentioned before, the key to success is hard work. Rather than take the money and
retire, Parsons kept working. Bob started Jomax technologies in 1997
and renamed it Go Daddy in 1999. By 2000, Go Daddy was an ICANN-accredited
domain name registrar. Currently comprised of 3 ICANN- accredited domain name
registrars, the Go Daddy family of companies is a huge success.

Bob will be the first to tell you, work is where it’s at. Just because your idea does not
take take off is no reason to give up. Any idea you have that is worth trying is worth
trying until you get it right. A single failure does not mean it is a bad idea it just means
you need to “tweak” things a bit, maybe change the way you are presenting your idea.

If you are working in your comfort zone, something you have done and done again,
without any real progress or change, then you are stagnant. You need to move
forward! Sitting still is wasting your time and potential, no one will toss a bag of money
in your lap, you have to go out there and earn it!

Never give up. Do not “psyche” yourself out of the game. It is worth remembering, the
worst thing that could happen is rarely going to happen and is never as bad as an
ambiguous “something” that could happen. Analyze what the worst case scenario is,
be prepared for it, do not let ambiguity scare you.

Visualize success. Whether you believe it or not visualization is key. If you can not see
yourself succeeding neither will anyone else. Also see the steps you need to take for
success and make sure you take those steps daily. Always be stepping forward, toward
your goals.

Keep pushing, resting on your past achievements is stagnation, if you are not pushing
forward you will not go forward. When you make a decision follow through
immediately! Waiting does more harm than good, more often than not.

Remember to keep your head in the game. If you are not personally paying attention to
your project and making sure that all is well, things will fall apart. Look out for your own
best interests, no one will do a better job of that.

Life is not fair. Anyone who has any experience can tell you that. This does not mean
you have to allow anyone to push you around. If what you are doing is worth doing it is
worth fighting for. Also remember to not take yourself too seriously. If someone comes
to you with a suggestion or you make a gaffe. Listen to the ideas and laugh at yourself,
no one is perfect.

Succeeding does not entirely depend on everything you see here. Sometimes people
get lucky, everything works on the first try, but as Bob Parsons has proven, more often
than not, work and these few guidelines will help you achieve your goals.


  1. Great advice! Lots of good suggestions that would help anyone working toward a goal. And, shouldn’t we all be doing that?

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