Hurricane Sandy and I

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As many of you know, we are (were?) in the path of the franken-storm. I want to thank you all for your prayers and love and support. We are currently one of the only 4 houses in our town without heat, power, internet, etc- and PSE&G says “by monday” – yes, 9 days in total, and 6 from today- and that is all the info we have. They say since there are only 4 homes, they don’t consider us a priority. Getting around is difficult, since there are many down trees and wires. There is a local kids play place hosting a Halloween activity for the kids, since this is the second year in a row Halloween is cancelled due to freak storms (and last year on the heels of Irene). I have no phone, our cell’s will not make calls or send texts, and I can not respond to emails since the tower went town. For some reason I can tweet at times? IDK. This place has internet and power, so I am taking full advantage! Thank you to the ladies posting on my site for me like Carmen and the ladies of CMM, and Kelsey, Melanie, and Danielle- you are all amazing and thank you for taking the helm for me while I will be MIA. In all of this, it is heartwarming to know I have such wonderful friends. Thank you all for your patience with me, I am not sure when I will be back fully, but will do my very best. You know I am hounding the electric company! Love you all!

Hope you all fared well during the storm. Happy Halloween.



  1. Oh, love! Sending lots of prayers and well wishes!

  2. That storm was unbelievable on the radar! We were glued to the Weather Channel. That storm was so huge we barely missed getting any fall out from it and we are in Illinois! We got wind, but nothing compared to what you have had to deal with. I would go stark raving mad without any contact to the outside world for 9 days. That stinks about it being the second year Halloween was cancelled. 🙁 I’m glad that was the worst you got, but hoping you get your power back much sooner.

  3. I am glad you made it through safely, I was thinking of you! We have no power here in the Poconos, but I have a good friend who does have power and happens to have a generator. I’m running a little off that, but still no heat here. We’re being told it could be 10 days before power comes back. Ten freaking days? Here’s hoping we both get power much sooner than expected.

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