Mommy Sigh…

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So, he’s in Kindergarten now. A big boy. Apart from me, for the first time. I’ve never been away from him- even in Pre-K, I was his teacher. This is new to us both. Now, when he tells me about his day, I don’t always know what he is talking about, who the kids are he mentions, and what the “other” side of the story is. When someone is mean to him, I can’t hug him and make him feel better. When he cries because he says he hates school, I wonder if it is a mean kid, if his teacher yelled at him, if he did something he shouldn’t have, or if he is just being 5.

I hate that he is growing up so fast. How did this happen? Where is my baby? I hate that I can’t protect him from the big bad world, and that all I can do is be there to pick him up after school, listen to his stories, and make sure he knows that I love him. This is quite a learning curve for us both.


  1. Time passes so quickly! It is so hard to see them grow up, but it is the beginning of a whole new deepening of your communication and relationship with him.

  2. I am seriously terrified of my daughters going to school and being away from me for the first time. Brings tears to my eyes. What if they get hurt, or someone is mean to them and all the other possibilities. I know I’m over reacting and that they will do great, thankfully I have some time yet before i have to think about it too much.

  3. And you know what that sweet smile says? …

    “Mama I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I LOVE big kid’s school”

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