6 Fun Activities For Parents And Kids On A Rainy Day

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6 Fun Activities For Parents And Kids On A Rainy Day

A rainy day can be gloomy. Boredom can hit your kids hard if it’s raining outside, and there are no signs of the sun appearing any soon. The best thing to do in such situations is to engage in fun indoor activities with the kids. Here are a few activities can be carried out indoors:

1. Treasure Hunt

An indoor treasure hunt is a good way to keep the kids busy. You can make one set of clues for every kid. One clue is going to lead to another clue, until the last clue leads to the treasure. The clues can be rhymed for extra fun. To help the treasure hunters keep the track, seal the clues in an envelope, and mark them with a clue number. Kids can compete with each other, and the treasure can be a small toy or chocolate.

2. Indoor camping

You don’t need to go on camping outside. Set up a pop-up or small dome tent inside the house. If you don’t either of them, take a couch and by draping sheets over it, you’ll be able to create one. Place pillows, sleeping bags, airbeds, and bring an indoor snack to be eaten underneath.

3. Indoor film festival

Take out some classic movies. Some good options are Lion King, Toy Story and Lady and the tramp, and hold a screening marathon. A big bowl of popcorn, along with a cozy blanket will complement the movie.

4. A candy popping contest

For this, you’ll need markers, ruler, rubber bands, glue, utility knife, scissors, gift wrap or decorative paper, tape (transparent, masking, colored or duct), kraft paper, gift wrap or decorative paper, paper cup, bottom cut off (1 per kid), non-inflation balloon (1 per kid), and candy.

First of all tie a knot at the end of the balloon and cut off 1/2 inches from the top. Now stretch the balloon over the cup’s cutoff end, so the knot comes in the center. The balloon should be held in place when popped, or tied with a rubber band. Next, place the candy in the cup, so it fits in the balloons knotted center. Aim the cup away from everyone, pull back the knot, and release. This is going to send the candy soaring. Let the kids compete, and see who gets the most into a bowl placed at some distance, or who can pop them farthest.

5. Creative cleaning and fixing

Make your kid pirates. Hand them an eye patch, explain them the lying clothes are the treasure, and their job is to put them in the treasure chest (the washing machine). Same can be done for the chores.

6. Tea party

Not the political group, a real tea party can be organized indoors without rancor. Set the table with good china, and act formally. You can make fun shape sandwiches and cookies, along with the tea. Let the kids decide the dolls (guests).

These indoor activities will be fun for your kids, and keep you busy on a rainy day. Get creative, your kids will follow suit.


  1. I like the creative cleaning ideas. Anything that saves me from having too.

  2. I love these ideas…I have some to sick to go to school kids, but with some energy. This sounds like it will help!

  3. What great ideas. I bet the little girls would just LOVE to have that tea party!

  4. Fun ideas! Are you doing any now?

  5. I like all these ideas but I don’t think my boys would go for a tea party not unless it involved playing their xbox game Mine craft. Although I would go for a tea party!

  6. I don’t know if I can convince my kids that the treasure chest is the washing machine lol but good thought! I do love the idea of indoor campouts though


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