Hurricane Sandy Update

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We are still with no power, heat, hot water, phones, etc. There are only 4 houses in the whole town that are in the same boat as we are. 4 total. It really stinks (insert colorful word here) to look out and see everyone have power but you and 3 others. PSE&G? Don’t seem to care, since there are just 4 houses, and in fact said so. Even though the wire was sparking, and it is a cross the street from the school that opened today, and the kids and parents use our street to turn around to go home in since it is super convenient….yes, school is open since everyone else has power.

The OEM- emergency management- closed down 2 days ago when the whole town’s power was restored. Well, almost everyone. No one seems worries about 4 dark, cold houses. In one house is an over 80 year old couple. Our 5 year old. But lets not worry, right? It’s just 4 houses….

Not that I am bitter or angry. (Yes, yes I am.) I tried to be grateful it was not as bad as Irene was. But at this point, I am just angry. I keep being told to call this or that person. With what phone, again? Or did I hear about this news? Yes, I watched it on the TV, listened to it on the radio, then read all about it on the internet. With all my power. That I don’t have. I know many people are still without power. But why leave just 4 houses in a whole town? For days. And across the street from an OPEN school?

Our street is right across from the school, many use it as part of the car line. We told PSE&G- they said well, just keep waiting, lots of people have no power. We said NOT THE POINT- kids will be walking/driving over those lines! We have no OEM to report it to anymore, and the police said it was “not their problem” and to call the electric company. Nice, right? I am beyond frustrated at this point….oh, and it was below 40 degrees this morning when we woke up in the house.

80% of gas stations in the state are out of gas, including all in our area that we are aware of. You should see the lines that there were. We had already lost all the food in our refrigerator and freezers, then lost the refrigerator itself in a power surge. Today, I tried to go to the local Target, which had been open yesterday and today- but lost power as we pulled into the parking lot. I am extremely frustrated today, and I am sorry to vent. I know it could be worse, I know- it was last year. But 2 “storms of the century” and 2 cancelled Halloweens in slightly more then one year from stupid storms have just gotten to me, I guess.

I hope you are all doing well, have power, are warm. I’m sorry to freak out, I just needed to stamp my virtual foot for a second. Hope you can forgive me.


  1. bigguysmama says

    Wow, this sounds absolutely crazy Sam! I hope things get restored ASAP! I hate that you’re having to deal with this. =(

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