I’m Back! #HurricaneSandy

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Thank you for being patient with me- we are back. Still some insurance and things to deal with, but heat and power are back on, and we were not as bad off as many. My heart and prayers go to all those affected. Seeing beloved places and spaces destroyed, as well as so many homes…it’s just amazing how cruel nature can be. After last year’s Irene, supposedly the “storm of the century”, and 2 months later the Halloween Ice Storm, then this year getting Sandy and then the Nor’Easter right on her heels… we have never gotten storms like this in this area. It is just so scary. I am having a hard time finding words for all of this- but please pray for Staten Island and the Jersey Shore- they were the hardest hit.

I’m sorry I was gone for so long- and thank you to those who posted in my absence. I really could not help it- there was no power or internet. But I am back now, and thank you for your patience.

I hope you are all safe and warm today. Peace and love.


  1. Sam,
    So happy you and your family are safe. You have all gone through so much in the last year. My prayers are with you all.
    We missed you!
    Marcia ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. YAY you have power!!

  3. Praying. Glad you’re alright.

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