Unreal Candy Party

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With Halloween just past, and the big man in the red suit waiting around the corner, it is time to reminisce a bit about a wonderful little get together which was held to celebrate sweets and pumpkins. Under the guise of a normal Halloween party, we participated in a pumpkin carving get-together with some absolutely awesome treats. These treats were as natural as Halloween candy can get- maybe even Unreal. Unreal Candy are known as candy unjunked, made with real cocoa, dry roasted peanuts, real cane sugar and natural coloring.

Now you may ask, how exactly is this unjunked? It is quite evident there are lots of wholesome ingredients but the icing on the cake is Unreal candies have 30% less sugar then their counter parts as well as 60% more protein and 250% more fiber! If you are anything like my husband, these characteristics can also be a negative , but as our guests attested to, these candies are wonderful. Sometimes even better then their more main stream counter parts. Dad enjoyed how much flavor the peanuts had. The peanut chocolate candies are not just peanuts and chocolate with a candy shell- instead you can taste the roasted peanut, not burned or charcoal just roasted, as well as creamy milk chocolate. This is what a peanut chocolate candies should taste like.

The party itself was great fun, nothing like more natural candy and caving pumpkins outside in a beautiful place to really bring out some fall fun. Many of our buddies tried the candies, with low expectations, but left with high regards for them. Many not believing the makers claims of being ‘unjunked’, and wanted to read the cards we had for them with nutritional information and ingredients. The makers of Unreal candies started out with a goal of making candies that weren’t packed with artificial colors and preservatives but instead had wholesome ingredients which actually add flavor instead of shelf life and empty calories.

As of now, Unreal have five varieties of candies including: 41 – Candy coated Chocolates, 54 – Candy Coated Chocolates with Peanuts, 5- Chocolate Carmel Nougat Bar, 8 – Chocolate Caramel Peanut Nougat Bar and the almighty 77-Peanut Butter Cups. These candies are available everywhere including CVS, Kroger’s, and even Staples.



  1. I want to try some of your candy..They sound really tasty.

  2. This candy looks so good I can’t wait to try it. Your party looks like it was so much fun too!

  3. I really want to try their peanut butter cups!

  4. That looks like so much fun. Glad everyone had a great time!

  5. Sounds like a good time :). I want to try the peanut butter cups.

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