Comcast- Find the Best Deals Before You Buy

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Comcast is on of the biggest cable companies. Comcast also carries home internet services, and even home security in some areas. The company’s headquarters are located in Philadelphia, Pa.

If Comcast is available in your area chances are there also quite a few other options for cable, broadband and telephone available as well. If so I would suggest including Comcast in your search for a new provider take a look at the best Comcast internet deals.

Every year or so it is a tradition in our house to try and ‘skim the fat’ a bit. Meaning we see if any utilities or monthly bills can be reduced a bit. With the constant bombardment of advertisements saying one company is better then the other, it is always good to keep your options open. As always after a bit of research an educated decision can be made, where all is weighed in including cost, content and public sentiment.

The reason why all three of these components are necessary when doing your research is simple. Cost is as always important but can not be the only factor looked at, if Company A offers a great internet connection, with consistent speeds at all hours of the day, but Company B offers an internet connects which is spotty at best but is $10 less a month, which should be picked? I would say Company A, especially in the current landscape of internet connected TV’s, video game consoles, cell phones, tablets, and not to mention computers a good connection is necessary. But connection alone isnt the only part of this package deal, also included is Cable TV, so you don’t want to get stuck with channels you don’t really need or want. The last category can be a bit open ended. Public sentiment can be fickle sometimes, well most times. But with enough research you can at least find out if the provider of choice will at least keep up with their end of the deal and actually provide you with your service at the price agreed upon and for how long. Also this category covers customer service and equipment quality. Good customer service can make or break a company.

Keeping these important factors in mind you too can keep your utilities in control with a bit of research and effort.



  1. Yes, We cut down and don’t have Hbo or Cinnemax and we are pretty happy about not going back..I know what you mean have to find what is right for you and what works with your utilities.

  2. Two years ago, we had cable with lots of premium channels, tivo, and netflix, so I asked my hubby to cut back. We just have Netflix now, but are thinking of going back to cable. Decisions, decisions…

  3. This is a great suggestion. Most times people sign up for a service and never change it. If it could save you money, why not?

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