Post-College Financial Decisions

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Pretty soon a new year will be beginning and with a new year, there are new goals and wishes which we would all like to fulfill. One of the most hopeful groups of people should be those looking to graduate college soon. Be it this year or in a few years, it never hurts to plan ahead. This big leap from college can be frightening. A new apartment, a full time job/career beginning, loan payments, striking out and being independent can seem like a daunting task. But with a clear head and some creativity it will all fall into place and you will be striving and surviving just like an adult, and still be a kid at heart.

One of the most important decisions is deciding where to work. The first stop should be your school’s career services department or career counseling of some sort. Schedule a meeting or conference and bring a notebook. Do not go into the meeting expecting a job on the spot, think of it more as a guiding experience, they will help point you in the right direction. Each school is different, but in general, they all offer resume building, job finding services and sometimes even internships. Next up write up a killer resume, yes- it might be lacking experience, but that can be built on as you progress in your career, so be sure to highlight your greatest asset- your eduction. Next up, apply for jobs- apply everywhere and anywhere. If the job looks even a little bit interesting, check it out. Worst case scenario is that you turn it down. Best case scenario, you find a career and get to work at a place you love. Also share with family and friends that you will be graduating soon and are looking to get your foot in the door somewhere. This can sometimes lead to some lucrative positions, as they say,”it’s not what you know but who you know.” So might as well cover all your bases.

Next up is the financial component of life, or what to do with your paycheck so it hangs around for more then a week. I would suggest research and a trusted adviser. With a good start and a firm understanding of finances, investments, budgets, etc, life will be a lot easier and better. Check out this article for more details about saving after college.



  1. Ugh… You made me think about the fact that I have paid my student loan in 3 months. Now I have to go emotional eat. Great post, by the way!

  2. I think that people should do what makes them happy, but at the same time, be flexible based on finances.

  3. first I have to figure out how to save FOR college! We really need to see some sort of financial guru to get things in order.

  4. This is something to consider before getting out of school. When I’m finally Dr. Lucy I will be in the whole to the tune of $138,000…it’s a crazy scary thought. Post-grad finances are heavily on my mind…planning for after gives me peace of mind.

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