The Best Job Options for Stay-at-Home-Moms

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If you’re a stay-at-home-mom who is considering getting a job, let us first say that you already have one of the absolute hardest (and most rewarding) jobs that there is: raising a child. Yet, we can certainly understand if you would like to seek some kind of employment that pays in more than smiles and hugs.

We also know that one of the greatest challenges that can come with finding the balance between being a mom and landing a job that works within your sometimes sporadic schedule can be challenging on good days and totally frustrating on the not-so-good ones. However, it’s not an impossible feat.

We have listed five jobs that are ideal options for stay-at-home moms. All you need is a bit of experience, a lot of ambition and some internal confidence in your abilities:

Freelance writer/editor/blogger: A fairly large (and for some, lucrative) market in cyberspace are mommy blogs. If you are someone who has a knack for turning out copy, there are a couple of ways that you can make money from it. You can either start your own blog and monetize it or you can go to websites like Craigslist, Freelance Writing or Money Making Money, Pro Blogger, oDesk or Ed2010 and apply for writing, editing and blogging positions that they have available.

Child care. If you’re a mom who is already a bit overwhelmed by having your own children on a daily basis, then this might not be the option that you’re looking for. On the other hand, if you are the kind of mother who lives by the motto “the more the merrier!” there are always parents who are looking for safe and trustworthy childcare for their young children.

Online teacher/tutor. Thanks to the booming continual growth of online education, there are many positions that are available for people who desire to become an online college teacher or a tutor for various ages and class subjects. In order to teach on the college level, you will need a master’s degree. To be an online tutor, you usually need no more than a bachelor’s. For both positions, you will also need to be technologically-proficient.

Accountant. A lot of people need their books done and they would prefer to receive one-on-one attention at a reasonable price rather than paying a firm the big bucks to do it. The great thing about this option is that you really can do it around your schedule and the pay is pretty fair; especially during peak tax season.

Virtual assistant. If you are someone who has checked out a review or two, then you might have read that another job that is quite popular in the internet world is being a virtual assistant. If you are someone who was an administrative assistant or secretary before you decided to raise your children at home, then is might be the “happy medium” that you’re looking for. You can find job opportunities on job search engines like Monster, Indeed, Simply Hired and Career Builder and also on websites such as Virtual Assistant Jobs.


  1. This is a cool post. Pretty informative. Would have liked links or at least resources in each group/suggestion, but this is the exact advice I would give. 🙂

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