American Girl: The Care & Keeping of You 2 (Book Review)

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The Care & Keeping of You – The Body Book for Girls was an extremely popular book for American Girl. This book gave tips on basic care and hygiene while helping to build their self esteem. I personally believe that it would be a great book to help with the conversations between mother and daughter. I think that it will be a great book to pull out many years down the line when I reach that point with my girls. 🙂

American Girl is about to release The Care & Keeping of You 2. (The Book for older girls).

This book definitely picks up where the previous book left off. It really focuses on the emotional and the physical changes that girls face from 10 and up. It helps them understand how they fit into the picture. It could also be a great resource for girls that are trying to figure out answers to questions that they have about their bodies.

The sections of the book are:

  • Body Basics
  • Girl Stuff
  • It’s All in Your Head
  • Your Body, Your World

I am very impressed with all of the information that is in this book. I’m positive that a book like this would have been wonderful when I was growing up! My mom passed away before all of those “changes” take place, and it would have been nice to have somewhere to turn. I think that this is a great way to present the information. Some kids would love to read it to know, while others could definitely use it as a resource and look up what they were wanting to find out.

**As always, this book would be a great resource tool, but it is even better for the parents to get involved and help explain things to their children.


You can purchase this book on the American Girl website for $12.99 on or after February 14th.

Danielle received The Care & Keeping of You 2, from American Girl, in order to facilitate her review.All opinions are her own and honest. Please see “Disclose” tab for more info.


  1. My daughters had the first book and loved it. So glad they came out with a supplement!

  2. my daughter has the first one from American Girl and it has been a huge help. She pulls it out to read stuff whenever she has a question. Very good resource!

  3. Sounds like a great book for those with girls.
    One thing I believe is missing from your post is for parents to also talk to their children about changes in life.
    Books should only be supplementary.

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