Awards- Who Wants One?

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When was the last time you really got an award you deserved? I don’t mean the kind of award where everyone gets a small trophy for trying their best. These are good for kids, or so some think- but come now, we are adults. I mean an award where there is one and only one, for the best there is. This award is the physical manifestation of your ability to be hands down the best at something. If it has been a while, maybe it is time to re-evaluate a bit and make some changes.

Are you really giving it your all? Is your time spent doing activities to the best of your ability or simply shuffling through your day on a quest to park your bottom on a couch cushion. If your answer is couch cushion, keep in mind life doesn’t occur during commercial breaks. Life occurs all day, every day and is what you make of it. I severely doubt that zany genius Einstein sat up every day, grunted and sighed about doing physics and math then plodded through his day. My guess is, he loved it, did his best and as such was appreciated.

The other not so nice category of this is, those of us who are the unseen best. There are millions of best moms out there and many of them go unappreciated. Don’t let this happen, ever. Bring some crystal awards to dinner this weekend. Give them out, make mom, grandma, even your aunt with no kids. Dads can get them too, but making a mom happy makes the dad happy later on. As the old saying goes, “If mom’s not happy, no one is happy”

In closing, wake up, live life and appreciate those around you. I know I would rather look back at the crazy way life spins, rather then know all the cast a ways on Survivor for the last 5 years.


  1. I like this…appreciate those around you that may get unappreciated for all that they do for you!

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