Have You Stuck To Your Resolutions?

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As a new year is upon us, we start to look around and try improve our lives a title bit more then last year.
Be it with a new healthier you, a new fuller wallet, or maybe just a new car there is always room for improvement.
But why stop at just one improvement?
Why not aim high, take little steps and work toward a healthier happier more successful you.
First up, healthier. Your body is a temple and when’s the last time you saw a temple with donuts in it?
Change your eating patterns to include more vegetables and fruit as apposed to sweets and salts. Also take the steps.

When given the option, take the stairs. After a week of taking steps it will be second nature and honestly waiting for an elevator can be dreadfully boring. Next your wallet, eat in more often. Eating out for lunch and dinner can add up very quickly while bringing in lunch from home or eating at home can help save quite a bit of money. Even something as simple as bring in coffee from home can save you at least $2.00 a day which translates to a bit over $500/year.
Next up- that new car. My suggestion is compare prices and options online. The internet has a plethora of deals just waiting for that itchy clicking finger, including Toyota Land Cruiser special offers and financing. With all the makes and models of new cars it is always a good idea to start your research online, and continue it in person with a test drive and face time with a dealer.


  1. I don’t think I really made any resolutions this year. I guess they’ll be easier to keep that way. 🙂

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