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This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of DISH for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

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TV shows and movies have become a necessity in many peoples lives. This is especially true with the addition of a few more screens to everyone’s homes: smart phones and tablets. With more screens comes more demand for television shows and movies.

There have been many improvements in bringing video on demand to a screen near you but one of the most interesting has to be the new Hopper Transfers. This is a new feature from Dish network. Transfers le you move a recording from the hopper at home onto an iPad to watch on the go. This may not seem like anything special but the magic is, you are able to watch the recording WITHOUT an internet connection. So those dreadfully long family ‘retreats’ out in the middle of now where, can be personal time to catch up with Game of Thrones or The Office. I think this is a great idea and if implemented well will be copied by many. The Hopper is available only from DISH network and is free with their monthly plans, which start as low as $24.99 for the first year, with restrictions, etc. Please if you are interested Learn more about the Hopper .

Some other Hopper features include DISH Anywhere which lets you control your DVR and watch TV from any device with an internet connection including tablets, laptops and smart phones. Auto Hopper is an auto commercial fast forward for network television recorded. Next up is the Prime Time Anytime which lets you record SIX network recordings at one time during Prime Time TV making missing a show virtually impossible. Last but not least is the Whole Home HD DVR which give you access to your DVR from any TV in the house not just one.

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