Box Tops for Education

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boxTops4EducationBox Tops for Education started in 1996 as an experiment in California on specially marked boxes of Cheerios. This first year earned $1 million. Since then it has grown to include over 240 brands to 90,000 elementary schools. Since the program began Box Tops for Education has earned schools more than $525 million with $7 million of that since March 2012.

box topsBox Tops works on a simple premise. That being for every box top collected 10 cents can be redeemed by a participating school up to a total of $20,000.00. Products which participate in the Box Tops for Education are available for purchase at local supermarkets and even online. On average a school will earn $900 annually but there are quite a few who hit the $20,000 limit. The funds raised can be used for field trips, textbooks, musical instruments, playground equipment, classroom technology, arts and cultural programming. All of which are in great need of all the help they can get. In recent years/months cuts to education have become an unfortunate norm. Box Tops for Education gives schools a much-needed boost to schools budgets.

To celebrate the milestone of donating more than $500 million to local school Box Tops for Education is offering double earnings on more than 50 million of their products. For more details on the exact products check out

For more details about Box Tops for Education check out:

Box Tops for Educations Facebook
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Disclosure: Information, products and promotional items have been provided by General Mills and Box Tops for Education and its program partners.


  1. My school does box tops, and I often forget to snip them. My son is diligent about reminding me now, so we keep scissors in every room of the house in a drawer or basket and a box with a lid for them. They also do the Capri Sun aluminum containers, which is great because my kids can just toss those into a bag hanging on the doorknob of a cabinet. Every little bit helps.

  2. What a great way to help earn money for schools and so easily done.

  3. I think the idea is great. Local Grandson brings them in and hardly an TY. Away Grandson brings them in and gets a stuffed [used] animal. More incentive, and it didn’t cost anything to the school, as everyone has a lot of extra stuffed animals to donate!

  4. I think boxtops is a great opportunity for schools to earn money. I do what I can to help my school out also!

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