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It’s a Pillow! It’s a Pet! It’s a Pillow Pet Review 🙂
Who doesn’t love Pillow Pets? They have so much more to their line now then the original pillow pets, like new slippers, sweatshirts, blankets, and more. Hey, ANYTHING that will make sleep seem like fun is groovy with me. Need something to keep your little ones in their own bed? Do you need a travel buddy for the car, plane, and hotel? Try Pillow Pets, they make sleep time fun.
“Since 2003, My Pillow Pets have been bringing smiles to faces of all ages. The concept for the snuggly companions was the brainchild of a San Diego-based mother of two, who had grown tired of picking up stuffed animals strewn about her children’s rooms. What began with the simple goal of transforming a traditional stuffed animal into a functional item for children has grown into an amazing jungle of popular products.
Although My Pillow Pets was initially a collection of just six different animals, our selections continues to multiply. My Pillow Pets is committed to manufacturing our products to superior standards, using only the highest quality materials and processes.”
Look at this new dolphin- it has a shape that is different then the regular pillow pets.

Here is the fake impostor, with the Real Snuggly Puppy!
My friend lives in a place where she can’t find pillow pets anymore. She got one and loves it, but when she went back to her local Walmart where she say she bought it, they didn’t have anymore. She absolutely loves the one she has! I can see why now, they are darling!
Elizabeth Rising Early, 31 Days
I really like these guys. Didn’t know about the slippers, will have to look into them. Our 7 yr old recently spent a couple of nights in the hospital, his pillow pet went too!
They are gorgeous, so snuggly thanks for the info x
We have a million pillow pets, and love them all!
Pillow Pets are awesome especially the dolphin
I never even knew they had fake pillow pets! We love ours great post I am in love with the Dolphin pillow pet and will be keeping my eyes out for it
Wow–there is a difference, isn’t there? The Pillow Pet is definitely much nicer!