StoryLeather iPad Case Review

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StoryleatherAs you probably remember, I got an iPad for Christmas. Since I received my iPad, I have been on the look for the perfect case. I have found a lot of cool cases that are each a little bit different. I must say that I have been completely impressed with my iPad Smart Case.

About StoryLeather:

Story is a company founded on the premise that everyone has a story to tell about themselves. Personal stories can be told through a person’s style with what they wear and what they carry with them. We are a team of leather artisans and high tech professionals, we are out to combine the latest in technology with the most authentic traditional forms of leather-making.

Their mission statement is: “Life is full of stories, let us tell your story one case at a time.”

About iPad Smart Case with Inspirational Design:

The back side of this case is embossed with a pigeon carrying an olive branch with the word “Peace” largely displayed across the cover.

All of their leather cases are handmade by our leather artisans. You can choose one of their in-stock items, or you can have one custom tailor-made just for your style.

Story Leather

My Thoughts:

I was extremely impressed with my new iPad case. I love how tightly it fits my iPad. I haven’t had a single problem with it since I began using it. The leather is holding up wonderfully. I can not see a single bit of wear on my entire case!

I absolutely love how the bottoms locks my ipad in very securely. I also really love the “Peace” on the back of the case.

**I have really also enjoyed the nice bag that comes along with your case. When we are going places I make sure to always put my iPad inside it so that I don’t have any problems with it getting damaged!

I think that if you are looking for a pre-made, or even finding something that you can custom design for yourself or a loved one. The options for this case are truly endless!



If you are interested in purchasing this case, or any other case that StoryLeather has to offer, please go to their website.

PromoCode: Use the promo code SLPOSTCARD to enjoy a 10% discount on your purchase today.



Danielle received iPad Case from Story Leather, in order to facilitate her review. All opinions are her own and honest. Please see “Disclose” tab for more info


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