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I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Dunkin’ Donuts. I received a Dunkin’ Donuts Party Kit to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Dunkin’ Donuts has long been the go to coffee spot for people across the country. So why not celebrate their new seasonal brews with a party? Check it out: Coconut, Strawberry Shortcake, and Triple Berry Dunkin’ Donuts Seasonal Coffee. If you are a coffee lover, then you owe yourself at least a taste of these coffees. This thought process is exactly the way we built out party. The theme is “try something new.”
It’s all about experimenting with new food and drink. We provide the outlet and the coffee, and everyone attending has to bring something either unique and different or something they have never had before. No matter what the item is everyone has to bring something. We like the semi-pot luck parties. It makes everyone feel proud of what they bring while also spreading out the work a bit so everyone gets to enjoy the company, even the hosts. Some of the items brought this time around ranged from star fruit to box teas from the Asian market to the more common food items like sherbert and taylor ham. Someone even brought a box of sugary cereal. Apparently growing up with parents who were strict with sugar intact which led to a lack of sugary cereals in their home. Trying the cereal was never a priority, until now, that is.
Most new foods and drinks were enjoyable, a few not so much. Most thoroughly enjoyed the Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, especially when iced and with milk added. Coconut was by far the breakout hit. Most people had been Dunkin’ Donuts fans to begin with, and to realize these interesting new brews were as close as a supermarket visit was definitely enticing.

Some of the “new” things we tried- Chinese tea boxes, I tried to make a butterfly cake (meh, I said TRIED, lol) and bacon-chive-sour cream biscuits from a new bakery.
Overall the party was a success, some people left enjoying their new found food and drink, others not so much. The sugary cereal was not as big a hit as you may think. But the Dunkin’ Donuts Seasonal Coffees definitely were.
We love Dunkin Donuts. My husband would really love these.
oo triple berry iced coffeee sounds good
How can you try the new flavors? Is there somewhere we can signup?
Go to a Dunkin’ Doughnuts 🙂
The new flavors sound really yummy!
The new flavors of coffee sound delicious, especially the coconut!