DropCam -Video Monitor Review and Giveaway

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Disclosure: The DropCamHD Wi-Fi Video Monitoring, was provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” tab for more information.
DSCF3832I would say that there definitely is a time and place that everyone would feel better with a camera. I would love to have a camera that could be versatile. I must admit to you that The DropCam is the ultimate solution for that. You can use it for your home, business, or even for your baby.

About DropCam:

  • Quick and Easy Set-Up
  • HD Video Quality
  • Bank-Level Security
  • Location Aware
  • Digital Zoom
  • Activity Alerts
  • Mobile Apps
  • Two-way Audio
  • Night Vision
  • Scheduling
  • Optional Sharing
  • Automatic Updates

Dropcam automatically encrypts your live footage and streams it securely. Instead of saving cumbersome files to your desktop, the optional DVR service stores your footage in the cloud.

If you’d like to be able to access 7 days of recording it’s $9.95/month or $99/year. If you’d like to be able to access 30 days Recording, it’s $29.95/month or $299/year.


My Thoughts:

I must say that I have been completely impressed with the DropCam. I have had it for awhile now, and I will admit that I have used it for a variety of things. I have used it as like a camera by our house, to keep an eye on some things that were going in our community. I have also used it a great deal for a “baby/toddler” monitor. I love that not only can I use my phone, ipad, or computer to see my children, but that it also records and keeps alerts so I know when things are going on.

I typically have used the app on my cell phone when checking up on it. I like how my phone alerts me when it the camera has movement or sound.

I did notice that when you are watching “live view” there is a slight delay, but for my toddlers room and for a security type camera, the alert was not too much of a problem.


1 Lucky Winner will receive a Dropcam of their own. This giveaway is open to U.S. Residents only.

Also, PLEASE READ- because Google thinks short comments are spam, please copy and paste these short lines, or add your own sentences to your answer- “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.”
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would use it to monitor my dogs while I’m away.
    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ”
    AMAZING PRODUCT. I would love to see who is picking at the paint on my door…..lol… Which one of the five kids? I would keep it on the kids while playing. Great piece of mind!

  3. Michael W Perkins says

    Id use it for general home security

  4. Kari Flores says

    I would use it to see who starts fights in the boys bedroom. Its always he did this and he did that. Even if I wasn’t looking I could tell them I saw everything and make them fess up.

  5. Id use this for my babys room! Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  6. Dawn Monroe says

    Id give this to my daughter. She said she wants one to put upstairs in the kids play room.

  7. I would use this in my daughter’s room to keep an eye on her. “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ”

  8. I would use this in my daughter’s room to keep an eye on he

  9. I would use the dropcam for my 2 son’s combined room! Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  10. Linda Meyers-Gabbard says

    We would use it in our new home to keep an eye on things when we are not home. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ”

    Ladyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)

  11. i’d use the dropcam to monitor my house when I’m on vacation. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  12. Melanie Montgomery says

    I’d use it to keep an eye on our h ouse while we are away from it

  13. I would use it as a baby monitor
    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  14. vickie brown says

    i would use it to see which dog is getting in my trash

  15. Tabathia B says

    I would use to watch my toddler and then pass to my cousin for when her daughter get’s older.
    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  16. I would use the drop cam in my son’s room

  17. Amanda Sakovitz says

    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize! I would give this to my cousin who is due any week now. It would be a great gift!

  18. Thomas Murphy says

    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. I would use it in my baby’s room.

  19. this would be great for monitoring our dogs while we’re gone. that way we can see who was responsible for the mess when we get home! haha

  20. I would use it as a security camera. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  21. jeannine s says

    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ”, I would love to win so I can watch what the kids are doing when playing in another room

  22. Kate O'Brien says

    I would use this in my daughter’s nursery. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  23. I would love this giveaway to help watch my kids in a different room. Thanks!

  24. i would use it for my daughter so I can keep an eye on her! thanks!

  25. I would love this for the baby’s room. It would be very nice to own one.

  26. christine jessamine says

    I would love to use this to check on our kids when we are out, or for my youngest when she is sleeping

  27. Heidi Daily says

    I would use he drop cam to monitor my children in their room

  28. Jenn McClearn says

    I would use the drop cam to monitor baby #3 while he/she is sleeping

  29. Steve Stone says

    I would use the drop cam for my wifes litter coming up. we are having our first puppies.

  30. I would use it to monitor my daughter while she plays in her playroom.

  31. JD Northwest says

    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. We’d use the Drop Cam to monitor the house while we are traveling.

  32. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. will most likely use it to monitor the kids

  33. danielle johnson says

    i would use this so many different ways. One would be to watch my newborn sleeping and watching my children when i’m out with my husband.

  34. tina reynolds says

    I would use in my youngest bedroom for added protection

  35. To check on my son.

  36. Sharon Kaminski says

    would use for the baby’s bedroom to keep on eye on it, Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  37. Ruben Ramos says

    I’d either set it up where cat urine usually ends up or on the back porch.

  38. I have a 2 year old son and another boy on the way. I would use this for my son until the next little one is ready to be in his room. This would be so awesome!!

  39. i would use the camera for security for my house. i will add your quote so google doesn’t delete me and this sentence to make sure. “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ”

  40. I would use the camera to monitor my 1 year old in the nursery

  41. Chrystal D says

    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. I’d use mine outside on my porch.

  42. Robert Brown says

    We have a baby due in October, so this would be absolutely for our new one. We have been looking for a new monitor to invest in, and this looks great.

  43. Tiffany W says

    I would use it to keep an eye on the house. Great Giveaway, thanks!

  44. I would use it to keep an eye on my daughters room to make sure she is ok. Thanks for the chance!

  45. I would use it in my son’s room. I would use it to make sure he stays safe and is doing ok. Thank you.

  46. Kerrie Mayans says

    I would use it as a “baby monitor” to watch the kids play in the playroom while I am working upstairs in our office. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  47. Kimberly Schotz says

    Our youngest daughter has Down Syndrome and Autism. She is non verbal. This would be awesome to have in her room. Thank you for the giveaway.

  48. I would use in several ways. I could use to watch my kids playing in the basement while I’m upstairs working. Or I could use it to watch outside in the yard while I’m working. It would also be a great babysitter cam. Great giveaway!

  49. I would use it to watch my house. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  50. I think it would be fun to see what the dog does in the house while we’re outside! 🙂

  51. Addison Kat says

    I would use this in my daughter’s room to keep an eye on her while she sleeps/naps. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  52. Kelsey Apley says

    I would give it to my sister if I won, so she could keep an eye on her kid.

  53. Lenora D says

    I would use it in my twins room.

  54. Laura Miller says

    I would use it for watching my kids downstairs when I’m upstairs with the new baby!

  55. Carrie Phelps says

    I would use it as a child monitor as I am both a Mimi & a childcare provider.

  56. carol roberts says

    if i was to win i would give it to my babys cousin he if fixin to be a first time father and anything that would bring ease to them it would make me happy and her first time being a moma this would come in handy hes 22 or 23 lord forgive i cant recall so ya i would give to them

  57. Sandy VanHoey says

    If I won, I’d be giving to my sister so that she could keep an eye on her granddaughter when she is in her room sleeping so she doesn’t have to keep running in there to check on her.

  58. Jessica G says

    I would use the drop cam in my daughter’s nursery. Thanks so much for the giveaway. I hope I win.

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