Native American Dancers at Niagara Falls

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native american dancersThese beautiful dancers preformed songs, played instruments, and sang songs native to their tribes as we sat enraptured.  The Nations we had the joy to watch explored their love and connection with nature via music and movement.  I have posted several videos on Vine and Instagram, I hope you follow along to see the performances for yourself, they are a rare treat.

The Performers
Doug Scoffield- Wintu Nation
Brandon Sanchez- Navajo Nation
Tony Duncan- Arikara Nation
Violet Duncan- Cree Nation
Trillby Wahsuck- Potawatomi Nation
Marques Crawford- Ojibwe Nation



  1. Looks like it was a great performance! We’re hoping to make it to a powwow this summer!

  2. Ann Williams says

    Ahthis looks like fun!

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