Pokemon X Pokemon Y VideoGames

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dancing pikachu

Pokemon have been around since 1996, with each game building upon the familiar role playing game elements of leveling up and exploring a vast territory while weaving a grand story line. It also pairs with the fun of collecting cute little critters who sometimes end up being your most kick butt vine entangled turtle. This main concept is seen throughout the new Pokemon X and Pokemon Y but now with more Pokemon, more varied battle, new mega evolution and tons more features. All of which make this the definitive Pokemon game for the 3DS/2DS game.
The game starts out with the player picking a character to play as, boy or girl, then soon after you pick your starter Pokemon. Your choices are Chespin, a grass type, Fennekin, a fire type, Froakie, a water type. The choice is difficult but Chespin was our pick. Little Man likes to pick the cutest. But at least he gave it a tough name, iloveu. We couldn’t fit I Love You Pokemon.

pokemon gamesAs the game progresses, you find yourself battling other trainers and Pokemon. Learning about the local cultures of the villages, trade with others and also another Little Man approved feature, Pokemon-Aime. This is a series of mini-games where the player interacts directly with the Pokemon by petting, giving treats and playing with them. This creates a stronger bond with your Pokemon and helps develop them more.The role playing element being the main draw of the game, the mini games are a nice touch to bring in the younger players who just want to play with the Pokemon.
Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are available in retail establishments everywhere and online in the 3DS e shop, all of which retail for $39.99 each.

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