Chocolate Cake Mix Cookies

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This is a great cookies recipe that kids can help out with. It’s super easy and fun to make. It also makes great gifts for people. I usually end up making a bunch of these for the kids teachers and or the entire class for the holiday , they always enjoy them!



1 stick of butter – room temperature

8 oz cream cheese – room temperature

1 egg

1/2 tsp vanilla

1 box yellow cake mix

Powdered sugar for coating


Heat oven to 350F

Beat everything but the cake  mix together with an electric mixer. Beat until fluffy. Add in the cake mix. Beat again until thoroughly mixed . Chill dough 30 minutes. Drop by tablespoonful into powdered sugar  . Place on greased cookie sheets.Bake one sheet at a time. Bake 12 minutes or until cookies are slightly golden brown. Place on wire racks to cool. Store in air tight container for up to one week

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  1. Danielle says

    THe recipe is for Chocolate Cake Mix cookies with a picture of Chocolate Cake Mix Cookies yet the recipe calls for Vanilla Cake Mix and no chocolate anything? Who proofs this content?

    • Samantha says

      Hello, nasty comment woman. The post seems to have gotten cut off, my guess is during the most recent website update. I wasn’t aware. But instead of just leaving a message or emailing me to let me know there was a page error, you assume we are all idiots. I don’t check each of the thousands of posts that are on this site daily. I think you need some sleep, or just to adjust the volume on how you view the world. Thank you for your kindness, and I hope you are able to work out whatever you are dealing with. May the force be with you.

  2. Great recipe, This looks easy enough to do with the kids. Thanks

  3. Great recipe, This looks easy enough to do with the kids. Thanks!

  4. These look delicious! I love cake mix cookies!

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