Travel Well With Always- Prize Pack Giveaway

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Disclosure: The below was provided for me in order to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” tab for more information.

As most of you know, I am a fairly constant traveler.  My son and I are always off to somewhere, and packing has gotten down to a science.  What goes where, how to pack the least while getting the most out of it, and to avoid checking baggage (both because of the fees and because they don’t always get where they are going.  Airlines….sigh.)

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Packing up

My son takes his own backpack, filled with toys and snacks to keep him occupied throughout the flights, I take my computer bag, and we both take our carry-ons.  In my computer bag, which goes under the seat in front of me, I always keep a book or two, my toothbrush, deodorant, and a few individually wrapped pantyliners.  I like to get off the plane not feeling all kinds of gross.

Don’t check your bag until you’ve checked to ensure you have the essentials!
With over 1.6 billion people traveling each holiday season, holiday travel can be filled with unexpected delays, long flight and cramped seats, putting you in sticky situations where you wished you had an essential item to keep you feeling your best.


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According to a recent survey, more than 50% of women agreed that wearing a pantiliner would help keep them feeling fresh during a long flight or car trip. So when you are packing your suitcase this holiday season, don’t forget to throw in the essential item to keep you feeling shower-fresh all vacation long—Always Incredibly Thin Daily Liners.

Always Incredibly Thin Daily Liners are perfect for travel, because they are really small, and each wrapped individually so that you can tuck them into a purse or bag for easy use.

In my hotel room

In my hotel room

In addition to a toothbrush, moisturizer, and a neck pillow, Always Incredibly Thin Daily Liners will also help to makeover your suitcase when you pack your holiday bag. So whether you are jet setting across the country or just crossing state lines, Always Daily Liners keep you feeling refreshed and confident from takeoff to touchdown.

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All ready for easy use on the go

One of you can win a prize pack of your own, including a suitcase, toothbrush, moisturizer,  a neck pillow, deodorant, and more.  Just enter to win below.

By submitting an entry to any giveaway on my site you agree to the following Terms & Conditions:
This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability. Winner(s) will be contacted by email 48 hours after the giveaway ends. By entering the giveaway, you release my blog from any liability whatsoever, and waive any and all causes of action, related to any claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the giveaway or delivery, mis-delivery or acceptance of any prize. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY AND VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I’d share this prize with my sister. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  2. I will keep this for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  3. I’d love to win this for myself, it would be great to take these items with me when I go on work travel

  4. This would be nice for my cousin. She recently went to college and I’m sure these products would come in handy!

  5. I would share this with my daughter. She is preteen and at such an neat time to introduce products to her.

  6. Desiree Dunbar says

    “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ” I would love to give this to my sister when she travels to Florida in March!!

  7. jennifer bowen says

    I think I would keep this for my self.

  8. Cori Westphal says

    I’d keep some of the stuff for myself, but I’d let my hubs use it. He travels a lot for work, and can always use more travel stuff! And he’s not ashamed to say he loves Oil of Olay! LOL

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  9. I would keep. Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. I would keep this for myself as I just did a bit of traveling over the Christmas holidays and did not have anywhere near the things I needed to travel.

  11. I would give this to my oldest daughter who travels a lot between home and college on the weekends. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  12. Maxine Snyder says

    I would definitely keep this for myself. Like being prepared especially when traveling. I hope I win 🙂

  13. I would share with my Nana, she likes to travel with her senior group and sometimes she does weekend trips. She would really appreciate this great giveaway.

  14. I would give the prize to my neighbor’s daughter. She would love it.

  15. Allyson Tice says

    I love this! I would keep it for myself! I travel a lot and this would be handy! Thanks for the great giveaway! You Rock!

  16. THanks for the great giveaway this would be great for my cousin I would give to her she is always traveling with her boyfriend to the races he is in..Hope to win for her..Thanks again

  17. carissa smith says

    I would share this with my family.
    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  18. Joni Owada says

    “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

    I would give it to my oldest son!!!

  19. Kathie Craig says

    “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ” I would keep it for myself.

  20. i might keep some of it and share with family. thanks. hope to win! 🙂

  21. “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.” I’d probably keep it.

  22. Tara Liebing says

    I would share this with my sister. We do a lot of traveling so we could both use the products.

  23. jennifer wexler says

    i would keep this for myself, hopefully I’ll be traveling somewhere soon

    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  24. Denise Donaldson says

    I would give this to my sister.

  25. This would be great to have! I would keep it for me. I would love to get this.

  26. Whitney @RambleSAHM says

    My mom. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  27. I’d probably gift this to myself although if there are things included in the prize that I don’t use, I’d give away to family or friends that could use it. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited & I hope I win the prize.

  28. Christina Karr says

    “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ” This is a good idea.

  29. I’d love to give this to my sister – she’s always traveling with her job

  30. Mendy Dinsmore says

    My husband and I will use it. He needs a new neck pillow.

  31. Casey Everidge says

    i would save it and give it to someone for their birthday

  32. Probably my hubby!!!:) Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  33. I would give this to my friend, Jen, who travels a lot. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. 

  34. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. I would give this to my husband.

  35. I’d gift this to my mom who is a frequent flyer.

  36. I would keep the prize for myself! Ha ha, love the chance to win stuff and this prize package is pretty cool. Lots of things I can and would definitely use. Thanks for the chance to win!

  37. I would keep most of this for myself. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  38. Me and my daughter would share this pack – thanks for the giveaway
    annabella @ centurytel dot net

  39. Momochompers says

    My sister.. She loves surprises

  40. Heather Dawn says

    I would give this to my brother. He lives in dorms! Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  41. I would give some of this to my son who is going to europe in april… the rest i would keep for myself! Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  42. I would keep these for my self. I travel to a US destination every spring break with my great niece.

  43. I would give this to my mom because we like to go on vacations together so this would be nice for her.

  44. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. I would give the prize to my son who has two trips planned this coming year and could really use this. Thanks again.

  45. I’ll give it to my mother, she travels a lot.

  46. I would love to be able to donate many of these items to my church pantry. Throughout the year we donate to nursing homes and womens pregnancy centers.

  47. Megan Cromes says

    thanks for the giveaway!i hope i win!;)

  48. This will go to my mom. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  49. Thanks for the giveaway! I would keep the prize for myself.

  50. Kimberly Schotz says

    If I were to win this awesome prize I would share it with my daughter.

  51. I would give this to my mom because she travels a lot!

  52. I would keep this for myself or maybe share with my oldest daughter. What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  53. Carolyn Colley says

    I think that I might keep this nice package for myself, we go to FL sometimes to visit my husband’s dad and my sister. Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway.

  54. sandra davis says

    If i won, I would give this to my sister. She travels alot and this would be great for her. “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. “

  55. Carolyn Gonzalez says

    I would use these for myself because I travel a lot.

  56. Stephanie Grant says

    Since I travel a lot I think I would keep this amazing prize pack for myself and my family :)! Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  57. I have had travel increasing so much that I’m now the one who travels the most. I think I’d keep this for me because I’d use it most.

  58. Denise Davis says

    I would gift this to my daughter, she would love it.

  59. I will give it to my sister. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  60. wild orchid says

    I would love to share this with my mom.

    Entered the rafflecopter as “Wild orchid”

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  61. I would keep this prize. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  62. I will give this to my mom. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  63. I would keep this one for myself! Thanks for the great giveaways!

  64. Kitty Iecvan says

    I would give this to my mom. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  65. i would keep this for myself.

  66. Jill A. Collins says

    I would share this with my husband. He needs the neck pillow badly when we travel to support an old neck injury. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  67. vickie couturier says

    I would give it to my daughter in law,she travels a lot

  68. I would give this to my Mother because she and my Father travel often so it would come in really handy.

  69. I would give this to my daughter. She is planning a trip with her friend and this would be ideal for her to pack. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  70. This will be a keeper – great items whether traveling by car or plane! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  71. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. I would keep it for myself for when I travel to Florida in the spring!

  72. Mary Jenkins says

    “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ” Me! My family and I are the ones that do all the traveling. Military family… In fact, we drove 14 hours yesterday to get to my mom’s!

  73. rod jackson says

    I would give this to my daughter who is traveling between school and home. Great giveaway

  74. jasmine burdett says

    “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ” i would give it to my big sister

  75. Shereen Travels Cheap says

    I would give this to my mom who has issues traveling light 🙂

  76. I would keep it for myself when I travel.

  77. I’ll keep some of it and give some to my daughter. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  78. jasmine burdett says

    “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ” i would give it to my mom

  79. Joseph Mikota says

    “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ” I wwould give it to my wife, it would make her travel more relaxing and enjoyable

  80. Sandy Klocinski says

    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. I will keep it for myself

  81. I will share it with my roommate! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

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