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Parenthood is a rewarding experience, but the adventure of raising children comes with plenty of opportunities to worry. New parents face an increased sense of anxiety when it comes to the safety and security of their baby. When my son was an infant, I would feel an urge to go into his nursery to check on him through out the night, and sometimes that would wake him. My son isn’t a baby anymore, but that doesn’t mean the urge to check on him while he sleeps has diminished.

I would love to have this for my little guy! I have a friend whose little one died at 18 months old during the middle of the night almost 10 years ago. I think of them often and how horrible it is and must have been for them. This monitor would be great to help ease my mind while my little guy sleeps.
this would be for me. We are on our 2nd monitor with our 8 month old I just cant seem to find one I really like
I am 18 weeks pregnant and would love to win for our baby. I am already stocking up on items we will need. This will go along way
If I’m the lucky winner I would gift this AWESOME monitoring system to my brother and sister-in-law. They would be able to use it to keep an eye on my niece Stella.
Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. “
I would use it with my bay boy. “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. “
My husband’s cousin is expecting their first baby. I’m certain they would love to receive this monitor. Thanks for the chance to win!
This prize would be a perfect gift for our Daughter who just had a new baby a few days ago. Thank you for the super giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.
My sister has a 4 month old. I will give this to her for my nephew.
I would use this with our new little guy. He’ll be here in April. I think this would give me some extra piece of mind.
I would use it with our new baby next year. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize
This would be for my daughters nursery, it looks like a great monitor. I love the 2 way communication!
I would give this to my nephew & his wife who are expecting twins.
My friend who is 41 is now pregnant with her second child, when she was 40 she had a baby but it was still born. I would like to win this for her because she is pregnant again and this might make her feel more comfortable if when she has this baby, that she could watch and hear the baby. Thank you for the giveaway.
I would love to use this with my daughter that’s due end of Feb. Thanks for the giveaway!
This would be great for my sister who is expecting her first.
I take care of my little grandchild during the work week so I would use this to keep an eye on him! It would give me peace of mind.
My daughter would receive this awesome prize. I really hope I win the prize!!!
I would give this to our baby nephew who is due shortly (right after the 1st of the year). I think this would be a great gift for his mama and him.
i would give this to my niece who just had a baby last week. this would really be useful for her. “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. “
I would give this to my sister. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.
I would give this to my sister, she is due at the end of the year and I know she’s been looking for a great monitor to have at the house!
I will be giving this to my cousin. She just had a baby boy.
I would love this for my son’s room
I would love this for my new little guy’s room