3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies

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This is a perfect recipe for the kids to do themselves. Of course adult supervision is needed to handle the baking and hot pan but the kids can mix this up all by themselves. Another great thing about this recipe is that you only need 3 things- Yes THREE!  This is why I really love this one. I do enjoy baking cookies but sometimes getting all the ingredients out and measuring each single one makes a mess. You only need an egg, sugar and peanut butter for this.


They bake fast so watch them carefully

They bake fast so watch them carefully



1 egg


1 cup sugar


1 cup peanut butter




Mix all the ingredients into a small bowl. It will be a nice thick doubt but still sticky. Using a spoon drop onto a baking pan lined with parchment paper or use a baking stone- which I highly recommend. Using a fork make the criss cross patter as you flatten each cookie. you may sprinkle with additional sugar but it’s not needed.  Bake at 350F for about 7 minutes. You want them to be golden brown around the edges but barely.


Let them sit on the pan for 1 full minute as these while still very warm are fragile. After a minute transfer carefully to a rack to cool, but honestly these are the best while still a little warm. Enjoy with a tall glass of milk!

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