Fun in Philly- Celebrate the Year of the Horse

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Chinese New Year: Year of the Horse

January 31, 2014 will ring in the new year in the Chinese calendar. To celebrate and learn more about this holiday, take a stroll through one of America’s oldest cities- Philadelphia! Why Philly? It’s a great city, with one of the largest and most active Chinese communities in the USA, as well as one of the biggest Chinatowns, making it the perfect place to steep yourself in the culture while staying on American soil).

chinese new year

The Philadelphia Museum of Art (also home to the famous “Rocky Steps”) gave local schoolchildren the chance to show their stuff this past weekend, with a traditional Lion Dace by the Philadelphia Suns to open the day’s activities. 3 “Lions” made their way up and down the steps, and

See the rest of this article on this fun travel site.


  1. vickie couturier says

    we love chinese food,,,an some good learning too

  2. Sounds like so much fun, and educational, too!

  3. sounds like so much fun!

  4. Now I’m craving some pho and bubble tea.
    That is a great way to spend a Saturday.

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