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Yes, yes- this is the UK poster- but variety is the spice of life! Muppets Most Wanted opens today in the USA- March 21. Takes time to get across the pond and all that.
Who doesn’t love the Muppets? My husband and I have been watching them since we were kids, and loved the last movie that came out. A sequel is always welcome. We would, in fact, welcome a sequel to the sequel- but would really love the Muppet Show to make a return to TV. (Make it so, Disney channel! Get poppin’! ) As they sing in this new movie, they are “considered a viable franchise”, so why not, right? JUST DO IT!
OK, now that I’ve made my stand for Muppet Show equality, on to the movie. I loved the addition of Constantine, and his tet-a tets with Ricky Gervais (AKA Dominic Badguy) were some of my favorite parts of the movie. My favorite song was also via Constantine- but I won’t give away any spoilers, you will just have to watch it. I guess I just have a soft spot for bad frogs. Or Russian accents? Or Ricky Gervais. Or all of the above. Anyway.
All the Muppet gang were present, although I would have liked to have seen a little more Rolf and Gonzo. There is just never enough Gonzo- although he did finally achieve a dream of his in this movie, much to the dismay of Salma Hayek.
More about the film-
“Disney’s “Muppets Most Wanted” takes the entire Muppets gang on a global tour, selling out grand theaters in some of Europe’s most exciting destinations, including Berlin, Madrid and London. But mayhem follows the Muppets overseas, as they find themselves unwittingly entangled in an international crime caper headed by Constantine—the World’s Number One Criminal and a dead ringer for Kermit—and his dastardly sidekick Dominic, aka Number Two, portrayed by Ricky Gervais. The film stars Tina Fey as Nadya, a feisty prison guard, and Ty Burrell as Interpol agent Jean Pierre Napoleon. Disney’s “Muppets Most Wanted” is directed by James Bobin and produced by David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman. Bobin co-wrote the screenplay with Nicholas Stoller, who is also executive producer with John G. Scotti. Featuring music from Academy Award®-winning songwriter Bret McKenzie, “Muppets Most Wanted” hits the big screen March 21, 2014.”
You will hear more about our time with the songwriter and producer of the movie shortly- but the movie was a lot of fun, and you and your kids will enjoy it. Ty Burrell (Phil from “Modern Family”) and Sam Eagle are almost as fun a duo as Gervais and Constantine, a very “odd couple” pairing that are fun to watch. And of course, there are plenty of cameos from everyone’s favorite hecklers, Statler and Waldorf.
Make sure you head to theaters and check out Muppets Most Wanted soon. Join The Muppets Most Wanted conversation on Facebook, Twitter @TheMuppets, or @RealMissPiggy, on Instagram,and Tumblr. You can also follow The Muppets on Pinterest.
Disclosure- This was an all expense paid press trip from Disney. I was not monetarily compensated for this post, all opinions are honest and my own. Airfare, hotel accommodations, food, and transportation were all provided by Disney.
sounds like fun for everyone!
We got to see this movie on Monday. It is really funny and the whole family will love it!
My kids saw an advance screening of Muppets: Most Wanted and my kids really enjoyed it! I don’t doubt that they’ll ask to see it again soon!
I cannot wait to see this movie. I love the Muppets so much!
I’m seeing it again-again-again tomorrow with the family! Love that first poster you included. Was that the UK version?
I couldn’t figure out why there were two “Kermits” at the premiere – now I’ll know!
I can’t wait to see this! I missed my local screening, and my weekends are so busy that I think I may just have to take myself to the movies during the work day. 🙂
The Muppets are so much fun! And, in the words of Tina Fey, they never have a hangover LOL
I’m taking the kids to see it this weekend. Thanks for the great review!