5 Tips for Getting Kids to Smile and Behave for Professional Photos

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Ronan school pic 2010 3Having professional photographs of your children is priceless. These images will be keepsakes that you will cherish forever and pictures that you will be able to pass down from generation to generation.

While you understand their importance often your children may not and they may make the experience challenging, difficult and potentially impossible. Here are 5 tips for getting kids to smile and behave for professional photographs.

1. Take care of all of the essentials such as food, bathroom and rest. Bring foods or snacks that they love. Make sure they have eaten ahead of time so that they aren’t cranky or hungry. Also, have some candies or snacks on hand so that they can munch while they wait. Also, bring water so they are well -hydrated. Finally, make sure they are able to get a good night’s rest the night before a photo session so that they are alert, happy and energized.

2. Provide incentives for good behavior. Explain your expectations ahead of time and let them know the negative and positive consequences of their actions, depending on how they choose to behave. Make sure they know why the pictures are being taken and why they are important to your and your family. You may agree to take your child shopping, buy them a new toy, or treat them to ice cream if they fully cooperate and rise to the occasion.

3. Have silly toys on hand that will cheer them up and help to get smiles out of them. Especially for younger children, having funny toys around for them to play with helps them to feel more relaxed,
but can also make for some cute, unique photos too.

4. Help your child to feel relaxed. Often a photography experience can be overwhelming, confusing and foreign to kids. Bring them to the photography center before your scheduled photo shoot date. Allow them to meet the photographer and check out the place so that they can become familiar with the environment. They can possibly even watch another photo session happen so that they know what to expect. This will help them to feel prepared and even excited about the opportunity.

5. Go into the room with them. Often sending your kid into the room aloe can be scary for a youngster. Assure your child that you will be there the whole time for support and encouragement. This will also help them to stay calm and comfortable.

These child photography tips can make a huge difference for your photo shoot experience. Be prepared by ensuring your children are satisfied and ready to go once they arrive. Also, have a talk with your child beforehand to explain expectations, and consider taking a trip to the photography center ahead of time. Centers such as Nadine Nasby Photography are always willing and eager to have kids stop by to meet them and ask questions in advance to make the experience less intimidating to little ones. Anything you can do to help your child feel at ease and comfortable will help to get them smiling so that the experience is fun instead of frustrating and overwhelming.


  1. nicole dz says

    Great Tips! I usually have my hubby come with us and he makes silly faces and acts like a clown, it helps the kids feel relaxed, comfortable, and of course smile and laugh.

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