Amazon Studios Tumble Leaf Show

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Disclosure- I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Amazon Studios. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and promotional item to thank me for participating.
Tumble Leaf_still 2

Amazon Studios has a unique approach to televised shows.  It is actually a two-pronged attack.  On one end is the creators who Amazon accepts from all over the world including Zimbabwe, China, the US, and the UK.  The other end of the spectrum is the viewers.  Viewers are able to input opinions at most steps of the creative process from premises, storyboards, posters, test movies, promos, etc.  This brings the audience into the creative mix in a new way from the ground up.  The next up from Amazon Studios is Tumble Leaf, which is geared to preschool aged children and follows the day-to-day life of Fig the fox and his friends.  His friends include Stick the caterpillar, his constant companion who lives on Fig’s arm, and their discoveries and friendships throughout the day.  The show is animated and has a clay look to it.  A picture is worth a 1,000 words and a video is worth even more so check out the clip below:

As you can see Fig is an interesting character who is likable and curious. What I really like about this show is there is very little pause and wait for an answer from the viewer. For some reason this has become a staple of most children’s shows and gets under my skin when it is excessive. Instead of this call and repeat, Tumble Leaf is about adventure, exploration and learning about your surroundings. All of which we can all do a bit more of. According to Amazon, ” Tumble Leaf, like all of Amazon’s children’s programs, is designed to develop creative thinking in children and has been tested to ensure they achieve this goal. Amazon’s goal is to inspire lifelong learners and provide children with the skills that will help them find personal and professional satisfaction in their future.”

So be sure to check out Tumble Leaf and the other Amazon Studio releases on Amazon Prime.


  1. I think this looks like such a cute little show. I have to agree that most shows wait way to long for an answer from the audience. I will have to see if my daughter likes this.

  2. that is really neat looking.
    i especially like how the voices are not irritating lol

  3. Marci Wright says

    This looks really cute! I also like that it doesn’t have those bits where they shout things to the audience & wait long enough for the child to shout back. That was one of the reasons why I banned Dora from our tv 🙂

  4. sounds like a cute show

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