Win OfficeMax Gift Package Worth $100 – DiVOGA and the New Neutral

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Disclaimer: I received the DiVOGA products from OfficeMax in order to facilitate my review. The DiVOGA products featured in this giveaway are also provided by OfficeMax and will be sent to the winner directly. Opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I have not been compensated for this post in any other way.

With Spring comes a natural need to freshen up your personal space.  One of the most overlooked spaces to update is your office.  Be it at home or elsewhere, your office could definitely use some freshening up and I don’t mean a new air freshener or a bunch of new pens and pencils.  I mean with new supplies and accessories.  OfficeMax is the perfect stop for all your office needs including this Spring re-fresh.  One of their most popular lines is the DiVOGA workspace collection.

With bold designs and patterns DiVOGA is a great way to spruce up your desk.  With their newest line there is a step sideways from bright and vibrant to the new neutral, cork.  This line has a natural Earthy look and feel.  The line includes: Tote Bag, Magazine File, Journal, Tablet Case, Pencil Cube, Cellphone Case, Compartment Tray, Padfolio and Document Wallet.

DiVOGA Cork Product Bundle

What I find most interesting about this line is that they are natural.  So each piece is unique to itself.  You would be hard pressed to find the same pattern when looking from item to item.  But the same colors to make your office match are quite easy to find.  From what I can tell the cork is comes in a lighter and a darker shade, both of which look great.  This new line just became available on April 1st and is a limited edition to make sure to get out there and grab them as quickly as possible.

What I liked best about the line is they are soft to the touch.  When you think of cork soft and pliable don’t usually come to mind, but this line will change that perception.  With this and the unique designs of the cork itself I am quite excited to try out my new office decor.   These would look great with a house plant to really bring a bit more of nature to your workplace.
One of you can win this great $100 prize pack. Please feel free to use the RC form below, contest ends May 31, 2014.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would give it to my husband.

  2. amanda whiltey says

    i would keep this for myself. my desk is a disaster and this would help me get organized!

  3. ellen casper says

    I would give it to my son who starts college in August. “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. “

  4. I would use it for myself.

  5. Christie L says

    I would give it to my husband, he shops at Office Max all the time.

  6. Kristi Price says

    I would keep it for myself and my mom since we are currently roomies again at 48 and 75. I love the journal, might have to keep that for myself. Thanks for the giveaway and have a nice day! 🙂

  7. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I think I would keep this one for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  8. christine jessamine says

    I love the look and style of these. I would love these for myself!

  9. I would give this to my son to help set up his office in his new house.

  10. I would keep to use for our home school items. Thanks.

  11. I would give this to my daughter who’s in college. She’ll love the tote bag.

  12. I would give this prize to my mom to give back to her for all she has done for me in my life.


  14. richelle bowers says

    I would keep for myself. I would give what I wouldn’t use to my husband. “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. “

  15. If I was the lucky winner, I would share this with my hubby and we’d have a fun shopping spree. 🙂 Thank you for hosting this giveaway! Office Max has a lot of cool stuff!

  16. Dana Rodriguez says

    We are setting up an office for my fiance’ in our spare bedroom and this would be perfect for him!

  17. Julie Lee says

    I love this look and it would match our office! I would keep this for myself!

  18. I’d probably keep it or maybe share it with the kids’ teachers. Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

  19. I would give this to my mother in law. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  20. I would give this to my sister-in-law. To say that the desk in her house could use some organizing would be putting it very very VERY kindly.

  21. Anna Pry says

    I would give it to my mom because she just got another promotion. This would be great for her to jazz up her office space!

  22. april yedinak says

    I would keep some of it for myself and give some to my sister. Thanks for the giveaway. This is a great prize. Hope I win!

  23. Lisa Brown says

    I would give it to me. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  24. alena svetelska says

    If i win this i would keep it for myself.Need printer and other office supplies.Hope to win this.

  25. If I won it would be for my husband to support his electronics addiction:). Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  26. I’d keep this for me…would use it to buy pens and paper and printer ink.

  27. Kelly D says

    I would keep this for myself. I could always use office supplies.

  28. Wes Hovorka says

    I would give it to my wife. SHe is suck a wonderful person!!!

  29. EJ (Jane) says

    I would love to win & give to my son. He is just starting out on his own, first apartment. This would certainly be great yo keep paperwork organized.

  30. Christy Garrett Parenting Tips says

    We could use the money to buy some more toner for my laser printer. Of course, I am sure the kids could find some great office supplies too.

  31. Leah Baird says

    I would keep it to use when I go off to nursing school and need more supplies. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  32. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

    I want to split this with my Dad… as he’s always picking up extra paper and ink for me. Lol!

  33. Mahdi Martin says

    This is a beautiful desk organization set! I would love to keep it for myself and use it in my office.

  34. I would keep it for myself. I really need some office supplies.

  35. Katie Klein says

    I would give this to my sister who will be a teacher for the first time this fall. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  36. Jennifer Rogers says

    I would share this with m daughter who is college!

  37. I would keep this for myself! I could use it for my home office!

  38. Rita Spratlen says

    I would keep it for myself. It looks like it could help me get organized. I am moving but it will be slowly for my husband had a fall and major surgery! No lifing for him! This is nice and thanks for the chance!

  39. Tabathia B says

    This would be for my daughters who are in college. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  40. tracie brown says

    This would be for myself. We just bought a house so this would be great for the office

  41. Natalie S says

    This is so great! I would keep this to spruce up my own home office! Looks really cool! Love Office Max!

  42. Jenny Lloyd says

    i would give this to my husband for his new office at work. thanks for the giveaway!

  43. Sandy Cain says

    I would give this to my brother. His desk is sadly in need of some serious organization!

  44. I will give this to myself. “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  45. Thomas Murphy says

    I would give this to my mom. Thanks for the giveaway!

  46. Melissa Graham says

    “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ” I would keep this set for myself.

  47. I would love to use this. My office space could use some sprucing up and organizing.
    Thank you for the review and giveaway!

  48. I would keep this for myself to buy an office chair. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  49. Veronica R says

    I would keep it for myself. I really need some office supplies!

  50. Amanda Sakovitz says

    I would keep this for myself. I am in real need of a desk chair!

  51. Joyce@MommyTalkShow says

    My home office is in dire need of some updates + I need a laptop bag with wheels!

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