CraftersCrate for Girls

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Disclosure: The Crafters Crate products listed below were provided for me in order to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” tab for more information.

My girls love to work together and do different projects with my husband and I. We always have something going on around the house, but sometimes are at a loss at coming up with something specifically special just for them. With Crafters Crate, my girls had a variety of projects that they could do either on their own or with a little bit of help.

About Crafters Crate:

When you sign up for CraftersCrate, each month you will receive a box full of craft kits curated for your girl. Each crate includes 4-5 crafts and activities as well as all the materials you need to complete them.


CraftersCrate is suggested for girls ages 5 to 10, but they have members that are even as young as 3 and as old as 12. It truly depends on the child and how much time you want to spend helping them with the craft time.

CraftersCrate Story:

Rachael, CraftersCrate Founder, was not your typical “crafty mom” and so she definitely didn’t have a room full of craft supplies ready to go right away. After she had her daughter, she began to realize its hard to find good craft and activities. She did find many projects on Pinterest, but in order to get everything together to complete one kids craft was a job in itself.

After awhile, her husband and her thought that there probably were many people out there just like them. They decided to box up their crafts in an effort to make all “non-crafty mom’s” lives easier and deliver them each month with just the right amount of supplies to complete them. So now when you join the CraftersCrate community you really are sharing in the fun of crafting.


My Thoughts:

We were huge fans of this awesome box. How cool was it for us to receive a box that had 5 different activities for us to do. My girls are 2 and 4 years old. Together they were able to do a couple of the projects somewhat on their own, but most of them we did together. The box that we had was full of a few different projects. A Cookie, A Bookmark, Plant Grass, Sew a cloud, and Paint a Rainbow.

My girls were so excited to receive a box that was full of stuff just for them. They have already asked when we are going to get another box. I would highly recommend this great box for parents to get for their girls. It is so fun for them to have projects to do, as well as projects that I have all the supplies for that I can do with them.



If you are interested in purchasing the CraftersCrate for the little girl in your life, head on over to CraftesCrate. You can purchase 1 month for $21.99/month, 3 months for $19.99/month, 6 months for $18.50/month, or 1 year for $17.50/month.


  1. That looks like a great thing for girls! My daughter would’ve loved to have something like that. Too bad she’s 15 now.

  2. vickie couturier says

    my granddaughters would have so much fun,they love making stuff

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