Cruising with MSC Divina – MSC Cruises‎

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Disclosure- We received the below trip in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own and honest. Please see “Disclose” tab for more info.

My son, husband, and I recently took a cruise on the beautiful MSC Divina.  Out of Miami, Florida, we spent 3 days docked at various islands, and 4 more at sea, for a total of 7 days including the one we boarded.  The time we spent on board was fun, and there was a lot to do on the ship.

My son and an MSC dancer, about to dance the Tarantella

My son and an MSC dancer, about to dance the Tarantella

Every day, they passed out a daily newsletter that gave you list of the day’s activities and events, as well as where and when they were. We took advantage of as many of these as we could, both because we wanted to fully experience the cruise and because one never knows when they will get the chance to do some of the activities again.

"White Gala" on board the MSC Divina

“White Gala” on board the MSC Divina

We took Italian lessons, which my son and I enjoyed- but my husband didn’t.  Luckily, they had a bar very nearby, where he went and spent the remainder of the lesson.  The lesson was offered in 3 parts, but we only did two of them.  Daddy was a good sport about it.

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We loved the dance lessons that were offered on the ship- almost every day, they had multiple options and times for a new dance to learn.  We tried out three of them- the Meringue, the Tarantella (a traditional Itlaian dance), and “Thriller” (the epic Michael Jackson song and dance!)  My son decided to do kids club for “Thriller” instead of dancing, but that’s fine- the husband and I had a great time.  I think “Thriller” was both of our favorites.  Neither of us are dancers, and my husband normally HATES to dance- the fact that he not only participated but also enjoyed himself is crazy to me. I was thrilled with it!

About to watch the Opera

About to watch the Opera

The ship also offered nightly entertainment in the form of theater shows.  We saw nearly all of them, from Cirque du Soleil, a few themed variety shows like “Witches in Paris”  and “Pirates”, a Michael Jackson mash up, and even a mini-opera.  My son and I are opera fans, but my husband has long resisted coming with us, so I was again thrilled that he agreed to come with us to see the show.  Playing was La traviata, normally a 3 act opera, but was taken down to about 50 minutes to give more people the chance to be exposed to and enjoy it.  I don’t think hubs would have come to a full one- then, he may have surprised me.  But with all that is happening on the ship, I would guess a shortened version is easier for more people who want to try everything there is. The actors and dancers were classically trained ballet and opera singers, so you got the real deal- just in less time. I was thrilled to see opera on the roster.

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We enjoyed all the shows, with the favorites being the Can Can number from “Witches in Paris” and the Michael Jackson show.  We are all huge MJ fans, and the lead dancer did an awesome job imitating the King of Pop. There were the same set of singers and dancers that performed in all the shows except the opera and Cirque, and we enjoyed seeing them show off their talents.  The male lead singer was amazing- if they had been selling CD’s I would have bought one- he had such amazing range and abilities, I wish he had done a show all his own.

Making his own t-shirt at MSC iPuffi (Smurfs) Kids Club

Making his own t-shirt at MSC iPuffi (Smurfs) Kids Club

The Kids Club was a lot of fun for my son, and they had daily activities as well as taking the kids to see the ship’s shows in the evenings if you wanted.  They could be signed in and our throughout the day as the family liked, and they had plenty to keep them occupied.  The kids club staff was amazing with the kids- funny, silly, and enthusiastic- just the kind of people you would want with your children.  The staff is mulch-lingual, which means that no matter where you are from, your child will be understood (there were many Europeans on board).  Children can also eat with family or with the Kids Club, depending on your wishes.

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Cruising with your family is easy with MSC’s  Kids Cruise Free program.  Check it out and book your next vacation- you won’t have a thing to worry about.  Follow along on Twitter and Facebook for deals and offers.


  1. Thanks for this. I’m going on this cruise in one week, and wondering about the dress code? Apparently that’s a thing, much to my surprise. Here I thought I was going away on holiday; not to some formal event. How strict are they about such things? I’m travelling all the way from New Zealand and won’t have room in my suitcase for a full suit!

  2. Ooh I’m so jealous! I can’t wait to go on a cruise. This one looks like a lot of fun.

  3. Minta Boggs says

    Looks like you and your son had a fun time!!! You always get to go to the coolest places..Love reading about them.

  4. Wow, impressive trip! We are looking into cruises ourselves, so this helps a lot. Appreciated!

  5. vickie couturier says

    love the dresses you wore,,they were stunning,,glad you guys had a good time,I love to Cruise,my favorite way to travel

  6. Mama to 5 BLessings says

    Looks like loads of fun for the whole family, your son looks like he had a blast!

  7. Danielle @ We Have It All says

    Wow, what a great time! We’re looking at taking a cruise but don’t know which one to go on. I’d love to spend all those days visiting the islands.

    • Check out the link and then choose what port you want to leave from- then choose the islands you would most like to see. That’s the easiest way to narrow it down 🙂

  8. Chelley @ A is For Adelaide says

    This looks like so much fun! I need to show hubby and make some plans for our own trip!

  9. Looks like so much fun, glad to see you could bring your kids.

  10. Debi@ The Spring Mount 6 Pack says

    That is really cool. I bet we could have a lot of fun

  11. Keri King says

    That looks like such a fun trip!

  12. the shows look incredible, what a great time

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