Kamino iOS App For Travel

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When traveling to a new place, one of the first couple of important steps is acclimating yourself to your new setting.  The best way to do this is take a walk.  Wander around a bit, see what you can find.  Go a bit off the beaten path.  This works, sometimes, but sometimes after your little stroll you come back only to find out you just missed an incredible view or the best Chinese this side of the Mississippi.  Alternately, you get crazy lost. This isn’t the end of the world but is aggravating, and it would have been nice to know what was around during your adventure.  This is the general idea behind Kamino.  Kamino lets users share their hikes around an area with other users, leading to new adventures and great finds.

Kamino is simple to use, it works using the GPS of your phone and other users suggestions.  The various hikes can include nature walks or simply a stroll around your local suburbs, highlighting locations like restaurants, recreation areas, bars, and stores.  This service can be great fun for explorers or for those of us who are not as adventurous.  Either by striking out and finding great local hot spots or having your own walking tour, this app will be a useful tool.  An important characteristic to remember is the GPS component of the app, so the user will have the GPS with them constantly.  This makes getting lost difficult and finding new stuff very easy.

Kamino is available for iOS and is free to use.  The app requires iOS 6.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.

So this app is the prefect traveler’s companion before any trip- even those in your own town.  Maybe you are not as much a townie as you thought.  Can you find the best cupcake in town?  What if the answer is you actually only know of the second best.  Mind blown- get downloading.  Then go exploring.


  1. vickie couturier says

    I travel quite a bit so this would be nice to have while on the road

  2. This is so perfect for travelers! I love these kind of apps when I end up somewhere new! Thanks for the heads up, I am going to make a note of this one.

  3. that’s a perfect one to try out

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