WIN Knivio M2 Bluetooth speaker system

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Are you looking for the perfect gift for the Dad in your life for Father’s Day?Β  By the way Father’s Day is this weekend, so get moving.Β  I have an idea for you.Β  Everyone loves music and I know the Dads in my life do as well. Β  Whether it is classic rock or easy listening Dads enjoy their tunes.Β  The best way to make them happy in this wireless Bluetooth digital age with an updated speaker system.Β  When looking for speakers be sure to go with a good system that is versatile and has sharp crisp sound.Β  The Knivio M2 Bluetooth speaker system is one system which hits all the marks and comes it at a nice low price point, for now.

The speakers are a 2.1 system meaning 2 satellite speakers and one sub woofer. the speakers may look small and stylish but they pack a punch.Β  With these speakers it is easy to fill a man cave with sound.Β  The et we have is now a fixture of our basement right near the retro-gaming TV.Β  It is quick the contrast old to new, but for any audiophile the speakers are appreciated.Β  Not only do the speakers support Bluetooth connections but also an RCA/3.5mm connection as well which is very nice for those of us with a more low tech man cave or if you just aren’t sure which your Dad would use anyway.

The speakers themselves are also quite visually appealing, they are black with champagne trim and a nice big knob to control the volume.Β  Other controls include Bluetooth pairing buttons as well as a bass and treble control to fine tune your listening experience.

The Knivio M2 Bluetooth 2.1 speaker system is available now and is on sale for $69.99, which knocks $50 off retail.Β  So be sure to grab these quickly and make your siblings look bad this year instead of the other way around.Β  At this price point, you don’t even need to all chip in and it could be a real surprise for the big guy in your life.

One of you can win a set for the man in your life-Β  or whoever you think would love it.Β  Feel free to enter using the Rafflecopter form below- and good luck! Ends July 7, 2014.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. tina reynolds says

    This looks really awesome nice design. I would give it to hubby he would really enjoy it out in the garage. Thanks for sharing such a great giveaway. Fingers crossed for luck!

  2. Christie Kammerer says

    I would give this to my hubby for his mancave. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  3. amanda whitley says

    i would give these to my husband. he has been talking about wanting speakers for a while now. would love to surprise him!

  4. Erica B. says

    This would be for my husband…he is great with stuff like this.

  5. Lorena Keech says

    My husband would get such good use out of these.Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  6. Stephanie Galbraith says

    I would keep them. These look awesome. I can’t wait to try them out.

  7. Jill Myrick says

    I would love to win this speaker set for my husband who plays in a band on the weekends and is all about music.
    Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway !


  8. Daniel M says

    i’d keep it, need some new speakers. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  9. I would probably give the speakers to my son, he could use a nice pair of speakers for his stereo.

  10. I would give this to my boyfriend. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  11. christine j says

    I would love this for my husband. His old speakers are out of date, this would make a great gift for him.

  12. I’d give this to my husband although we’d share them. Would put them in his man cave.

  13. Mihaela Day says

    I would share it with them. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  14. Michelle H. says

    I would share these with my husband. We would use them when we workout.

  15. Deb Christie says

    I will keep them for myself. I need a good set of small speakers for a TV that really puts out sound at a low volume. Bluetooth connection is important for me as well in the area I will use them.

  16. MIchelle says

    I would give them to my son. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  17. This would be for the family to enjoy.

  18. danielle Marie says

    i would keep it for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  19. Colleen Boudreau says

    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. I would give it to my dad.

  20. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize! I would give this to my husband, he would love some great blue tooth speakers!

  21. Debra Hall says

    i would give it to my oldest son he could use it while he is at work

  22. Terra Heck says

    I’d like to win this for my 15 yoa son. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  23. michelle Hill says

    My twin daughters are 13 and would love this for there Summer vacation!

  24. Brittney House says

    This would be for my nephew. He’s always playing his music, and I know he will love this.

  25. amy rouse says

    I’d give them to my grandson, he loves to listen to music at night before he goes to sleep

  26. Michelle C says

    Even though Father’s Day has past, I would still give this to my husband. He’s a music enthusiast. Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  27. Jill Rivera says

    “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ” I would use this for my above ground pool deck.

  28. I would give this to my husband. Thanks for the chance.

  29. I would love to give this to my father, so he could blast his action flicks and music!

  30. If I win these wonderful speakers, I would give them to my husband! He has been asking for Bluetooth speakers for the past two weeks! Every time we shop he heads straight to the displays to check them out. Winning these for him for our anniversary would be awesome! Thanks so much for the chance!

  31. Mariaelena says

    My husband would love this! Fingers crossed!

  32. My son. He’s got a thing for blasting his ipod. Tthis would make it easier. Besides, his bday is coming up!

  33. My son would love these speakers he loves music and is always after me to buy him some nice speakers these would be perfect for him

  34. If I won I would give them to my husband. These would be perfect for his home office. He has been looking for something like this. Thanks for the chance!

  35. Cari Jackson says

    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. …and I’d give them to my son. He’d be so thrilled!

  36. I would love to give the speaker system to my mom if I won. She loves stuff like this. πŸ™‚ Thanks for this giveaway.

  37. Mary Casper says

    I would give it to my stepson. I think he would enjoy it

  38. Sandra VanHoey says

    I would give to my son, him and his kids all love listening to music and would love nice speakers

  39. Heidi Embrey says

    Hi! I would keep these for myself because my daughter and son already have nice speakers, I need some really bad though and these would be perfect for me! Thanks for the giveaway πŸ™‚

  40. I would give this to myself. I know it would be nice to give but I don’t have one and would really love to keep it so that I could pair it with my cell phone to listen to my music.

  41. Nicole Millheim says

    I would give this to hubby. He would love this to listen to music when he is working on his car..He is always outside doing something

  42. Leigh Anne Borders says

    I would give this gift to my husband. He is always looking for the next best thing when it comes to speakers! Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  43. janna johnson says

    I would keep it for my house and share it with company when they visit. Thanks!

  44. RICHARD HICKS says

    I would most likely keep this for myself. This is a very nice speaker system!

  45. I would keep this for myself! I need a sound system so bad, there’s no way I would give this away!

  46. I would keep it for myself. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  47. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  48. Jane Thomas says

    I would give this to my husband, he would love this. Thanks so much for the hosting this giveaway!

  49. I would give these to my son. Thank you for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  50. Misha Estrada says

    I would give this to my daughter. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  51. This would be perfect for my daughter! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  52. Shirley Martin-Tutolo says

    I would give to my grandson. He has wanted one for a long time, so would love to win for him

  53. I give them to my self. Been looking for something like them. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize.

  54. Katherine says

    My husband will receive this! Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize

  55. Enrique Herrera says

    I’d be giving the Knivio M2 Bluetooth speaker system to my mother as perfect gift! She deserves to have something very special as a way to show my appreciation for her hard work she has done, since well forever! =D I’ve heard so many good things about these speakers. It’s more stylish than those other competitors. With such a unique and intelligent speaker system, I think the hardest part would be putting it down for the day! XD Thanks for hosting this giveaway, take care! =D

  56. I would probably give this to my oldest son. He’s into that kind of stuff.

  57. kathleen whitney says

    This is a nice looking set up. And hard to find. I would give this to my son who has been asking for something like this for a long time. Thanks for running such a great Sweepstake.

  58. vickie couturier says

    this would be for my sons 40th birthday,he would totally love it and use it a lot

  59. erin dear (@mummadear) says

    I would give this to my teen daughter, she loves listening to music!

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