Kyocera Hydro Vibe #SprintMom #MC

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I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Sprint. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and to thank me for participating.

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I am a Sprint Ambassador and will be sharing my experiences testing various Sprint devices and services for the remainder of the year. Today I will be sharing some experiences I’ve had recently with the new Kyocera Hydro Vibe 4G LTE smartphone.  One of the greatest features is that it is a smartphone which can survive up to a meter below water for up to 30 minutes, making this the ultimate summer phone.

This phone is a feature rich smart phone, which makes summer time a ton of fun.  The great thing about this phone is not having to worry about it.  It’s not this gentle, precious little piece of tech that has to be kept dry and safe at all times.  Instead it can take a bump because of its 4.5 inch qHD impact-resistant touchscreen display as well as not have to worry when your kid drops it into the pool. Again.

We recently took a little road trip to a building brick establishment to see their displays, and snapped a few shots with the smart phone. The outcome is good pictures for a water proof camera with sharp, vibrant colors and easy to use.


The more unknown great thing about this phone is your ability to pass it along to kids or even adults over a dinner table to look at pictures or videos.  No longer do you have to worry about the phone dropping into the wine or mashed potatoes.  Of course, it still has to be cleaned but the piece of mind that comes from a water proof camera is seamlessly introduced to your busy life and leads to one worry.

Be sure to check out the Kyocera Hydro Vibe waterproof 4G LTE smartphone site for further details about the phone and to get yours today.


  1. I am a tech at local school and think printer when I hear the word Kyocera.
    Interesting post.
    I like the phone.

  2. Danielle says

    Wow, that phone looks awesome. My husband could definitely use it…I love that you can drop it in the water and everything will still work. What a great idea! I hope you enjoy it.

  3. Minta Boggs says

    Wow! the pictures are beautiful and I would love a phone that if you drop it in water it would still work!

  4. cool phone

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