Peeps Minis – New and Available Now

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How is it possible to spread holiday cheer every day of the year without looking like you forgot to take down your decorations for said holiday? How can you scratch the Peeps itch in the middle of the summer? Both of these questions can be answered with the same item, new Peeps Minis.

pic3Peeps have been around for 61 years and have constantly been evolving and updating their colorful treats for many holidays not just Easter. But with a full on addiction to Peeps now possible what is the Peeps fiend to do to scratch that itch in the middle of the Summer with all holidays either a distant memory or a long distance away.

These new bite size marshmallow treats are the newest Peeps to hit the scene. The biggest difference is they are available year round so you can get your chicken shaped marshmallow fix any time of year. Each new Peep Mini is 40% the size of a regular Peep and are each 14 calories, gluten free and fat free. These minis are not only bite size but they also come in new flavors including chocolate crème, sour watermelon and strawberry crème. All of which are delicious with the watermelon variety being Little Man’s favorite. He loves the flavor and the fact that the peep is actually two toned with the inside a different color then the outside just like a real watermelon.


With the added availability of Peeps Minis there is also a new door open for Peeps recipes and creative uses for them. Now ‘boring’ smores can be extra ordinary watermelon s’mores or double chocolate crème s’mores. The possibilities are endless.

New Peeps Minis are available now and retail for $3.99 per package of 24 which is resealable to keep your Peeps fresh for longer.



  1. vickie couturier says

    ive heard my grandkids say that the watermelon is so very good,but they love all the flavors

  2. James Robert says

    Their chocolate marshmallow was always a favorite with my kids but all kids seem to love Peeps. I didn’t know they had these now but bet they will be a big hit all year long

  3. Uplifting Families says

    These sound yummy, I will have to look for them in stores.

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