School Zone Little Scholar Tablet

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Disclosure- I received the below in order to facilitate my reviews. All opinions are my own and honest.

A tablet entering the market has to do two difficult things, one is to be unique and two is to do something no one else does. If it doesn’t do these two things, there is a good chance of failure and a valueless product. Thankfully the new School Zone Little Scholar does just this, with the help of a ton of educational apps and Google Android 4.2.2. These apps are used to boost math, reading, spelling, and other skills in a creative playful way.

pic5School Zone may sound familiar to many parents as an educational product company of over 35 years. Products include workbooks, flashcards, and software. With this much experience under their belt, a tablet made by School Zone features just what you would hope it would- many education apps to help school aged scholars. The apps included feature the complete Start to Read! eBook series, music, songs, Charlie and Company video series and many more premium educational apps. Besides the ability of your children to use the app for education purposes. Parents can also track their progress using A+ Report, which lets parents know how much progress has been made in individual topics and curriculum. The total value of the apps included with the tablet is over $400 all of which can be chosen using the App Management Tool to properly tailor the tablet for you little one.


One of the few drawbacks to this tablet is that it is good for children aged 3-7, which is perfect for little ones, but not so perfect for the older kids. But that is who this tablet is geared for, so when the bigger ones outgrow it, they can pass it to the younger siblings.

Little Scholar is for children aged 3-7, features and 8 inch screen, and is available now at It retails for $149.99-$199.99 and will also be available in the fall at ToysRUs.


  1. James Robert says

    Wish they had some apps for the older ones as well since I have some needing flash cards for multiplication and more. This is pretty nice though, would like for my youngest daughter

  2. vickie couturier says

    my grandkids would really enjoy this ,,looks like a nice gift to give

  3. Ellen Christian says

    Sounds like a great way to introduce your child to technology. thanks!

  4. Kathleen Kennedy-Leon says

    my niece would love this as she feels so left out with the older kids that have their devices–thanks for sharing–going on my shopping list her birthday is coming up soon 🙂

  5. I love tablets like this! My son would have enjoyed something like this when he was younger.

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