The Walk-In Closet by Abdi Nazemian

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A great summer book, this story is a fun, quick read.  The heroine of the story, so to speak, is in a very close relationship with her homosexual male best friend.  So close, in fact, that most of his family and friends believe they are dating seriously and will be married.  He is closeted with them, and afraid to tell them who he really is for fear of rejection and because they have roots outside the country.  Her relationship with him is so close that it hampers her having any others besides a few close female friends who know what the “real story” is.

His family is wealthy and showers them both with love, affection, and items monetary value. Think name brand clothes, shoes, cars, and even property.  Does she want to be the “fabulous” wife of a man who will never love her as one, but loves her as a friend, or will she choose to seek true love elsewhere?

pic5About the Book:

Abdi Nazemian exposes the secret life of a gay Iranian man in Los Angeles and the best friend pretending to be his girlfriend in his debut novel, The Walk-In Closet. As his wealthy parents pressure her to marry their son, Kara must decide if she’s ready to give up the life she dreams of for the money and comfort of “Tehrangeles.”

Buy the book at your local bookstore or on Amazon HERE.  Happy reading!

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