Take “One More Day” for Yourself #OneMoreDay @MasterCardNews

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If you are like most Americans, you describe yourself as “busy”.  Americans are among the most overworked in developed countries, yet have the least vacation days allotted to them- and even so, many people don’t use all their days.  Since the recession, it has gotten worse- with many business forcing one person to do the job of three (not that they got a raise, either) and not having the manpower to do the labor they require- yet they demand it, and the stress on employees is brutal.  The recession is over, they claim- so when will they start rectifying that?  Hmmm…..

pic2One thing I never understood is why people don’t take their vacation days.   I remember my mother asking my father to take days, and he never would- I remember one day in particular.  I don’t remember why she wanted him to stay home, or if she even wanted to go anywhere, but I remember she was just devastated that he refused to.  He was guilty, I remember him hanging his head.  He left anyway, but he was moving slowly- he was torn.  My father always had many, many days leftover that he never used, and he always “lost” them after so much “rollover” time.  I never understood why he didn’t use days he was allowed to use.  Having worked in traditional jobs, non traditional jobs, and everything in between- I promise you- I always used every single day I was given.  Why wouldn’t you?  Are you going to win a prize for being the most stressed out at work?  And as we know, the hardest workers are not always (or even usually) the ones who get the raises or promotions.  You just need to have the “brownest nose” for that one, LOL.

So why not pledge to take your days this year?  Just one more day- what would you do with another day?  Travel?  Eat at an amazing restuaunt?  Lay on the couch all day and watch bad TV with the spouse and kids?  There are no bad answers- except not taking the days at all.  Take the time!  Relax, enjoy yourself, and take the #OneMoreDay pledge here priceless.com/travel  You spend more then enough time working away- take one more day and do what you like.  (And bring essentials with you, like your passport, MasterCard, cash, toiletries, and enough underwear, LOL.)

More than ever, Americans are in need of some R&R. The US Travel Association found that 429 million vacation days were left on the table last year. A study commissioned by MasterCard shows that at least a third of people would likely take another vacation in 2014 if they had benefits to offset the cost. Turns out, they might and just not know it. 35% of rewards card holders admit they are only a little, or not at all knowledgeable about their program perks and services.

I admit that I don’t know all that much about my own- so now is the perfect time to investigate. What might be in store for you? Life is short- spend as much of it as you can doing what you like.


  1. Vickie Couturier says

    I totally agree,,ill assure you most of the ppl in high places take their days off with pay,,I can see saving them to have them off together but not to let them go to waste by not using them,,life is short ,family time is special ,,the kids are grown and gone too quick,, I took my days off and some without pay to go to my kids activities,,their dad did not ,so they have no memories of him doing anything special with them,,but they do with me,,his loss

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