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We travel often, and enjoy doing so. We find any and every reason to go someplace new, try a new place, and new foods. For many people, that part can be tricky- well, the whole travel experience can be. Like a growing number, I have an allergy that makes eating out sometimes difficult. However, allergies don’t need to stop you from enjoying travel or trying new foods- they just require you to be a little more careful when doing so.

My husband and son enjoying some seafood in Cape Cod- I had the burger and fries and a lovely evening with my family.
I personally have a seafood allergy. While I am traveling in the Midwest, this is not a problem. Visiting Florida, the Bahamas, or really any island can be an adventure in eating. Most of the menus are based on the easiest fare and what is the freshest, and least expensive to bring to the table- seafood. For many, this is a great time to have the shellfish that is pricey or unavailable back home- for me, it’s trying to find “that thing” or two on the menu that doesn’t have scallops or conch in it. Variety is the spice of life, but not an option when you need to steer clear of certain foods in certain places. It might not be what the specialty of the area or restaurant is, but it’s better then having to cook yourself, true? Make do with what is available and you will still enjoy your trip, no point in staying home and letting life pass you by.

Platter of food for the table to share on an island trip- but hey, look! Plantains, I can eat those! 🙂 And I got a salad- then we went sailing. Food never needs to hold anyone back.
Lucky for me, my allergy is not life threatening- just annoying. I get rashes and my lips swell. For some people, their reactions are much more difficult. I am never without my allergy medication (because honestly, I have gotten seafood in my meals as often in my local area as I have out and about, and why chance it?) and I do tell waitstaff that I have said allergy to stay as safe as possible. They do tell the kitchen staff, and restaurants are as careful as possible to keep you from getting ill.
Keep your medication handy, as well as your sense of adventure, and get your travel on. Where did you want to go next?
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