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I am a sucker for a hotel that has not only history but also charm. The last time I was in Vermont I had the pleasure of staying at Basin Harbor Club. This hotel delighted my traveling soul. The location is not only is it scenic, but it offers so many opportunities for adventure that one could ponder why anyone would visit another place for a one of a kind vacation.
Located on 700+ tranquil acres, Basin Harbor Club is an ideal hotel for couples and families as well as large groups. Regardless of the size of your travel party, there is a spot for you at this wonderful resort. The scenery, the unexpected delights to be found around each corner and the endless opportunities for fun, relaxation, and a chance to reconnect with friends and family make this a noteworthy destination.
For more than 128 years this lovely resort has been operated by the Beach Family. The love of the property and pride in their resort are obvious and make this a destination that is unforgettable. The history of Basin Harbor Club is rich, which adds something super special to your stay.
Lake Champlain offers water lovers the chance to dive into boating, swimming, paddle boarding, fishing, sailing and more. Tennis lessons and a fantastic course for golfing will appeal to athletic guests. Lawn games are a favorite for guests that are looking to get active while playing together as a family.
If you are not much of a mover and a shaker, that is quite alright. There is no better place to relax by the pool or on the beach than Club Basin Harbor. If you need a little more in terms of relaxation, the Blue Chair Day Spa offers a full menu of spa and nail treatments to make you feel pampered, relaxed and fantastic.
No stay is complete without sampling the local cuisine. You can enjoy burgers with maple syrup or a fancier approach with an elegant dinner in the Main Dining Room. If you are looking for a special sweet, have no fear! You can toast s’mores by a cozy bonfire for a treat that just might bring a taste of childhood back to your palate.

The rooms are adorable- we stayed in our own little cabin. I adored the Vermont fireplaces and the commitment to reducing the carbon footprint left by the hotel. I also liked that this is a pet friendly destination. Knowing Fido could come along makes Basin Harbor Club feel like a home away from home. If you are visiting Vermont, this is a place that is worth checking out. It is a lovely place to unwind or to gear up for a great adventure on the water.
For rates, reservation and more information, please visit BasinHarbor.com or call 800.622.4000. Follow Basin HarborClub & Resort on social media: Facebook.com/BasinHarbor; Twitter @BasinHarbor; Instagram #BasinHarbor, orPinterest: BasinHarborClub.
Looks like such a beautiful place! How fun!
Last summer was our 8th year at BHC, one of my favorite places on the planet. We go there for a week….the kids ride their bikes all over property, my husband golfs, I sit in a chair and look at the lake…it’s the perfect place to UNPLUG and do a lot or a lot of nothing ~ and enjoy every minute. We met other families there with kids the same ages so we all meet there the same week every year. How wonderful to know they will be our lifelong friends now. The Beach Family is beyond hospitable and gracious ~ there is no place like it. You must DEFINITELY check it out. Try for a few days, and then book a full week for the following season 🙂
so true!
Wow what a gorgeous place! I can see why people would want to visit.
Ok, these pictures make me want to visit. Looks so peaceful!
That looks like a great place to visit. I spent my early days in CT and love the New England states.
I love charm in a hotel too. That chess board is way cool!!
My six year old just learned to play chess. My husband loves Frisbee Golf. The view? We’d love to visit Basin Harbor!