Proactiv Plus Review

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Disclosure- I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Influence-Central for Proacitv+. I received samples of Proactiv+ to facilitate my review and a thank you item for participating.

proactivI have had acne to some degree for most of my life.  I have tried most things to get rid of it, but try as I might, it keeps rearing it’s ugly head.  For me personally, it was at it’s worse when I was a tween, then again when I was pregnant, and now with these medications that I am on.  However, I always get it with “that time” of the month, and always have.  Luckily for me, they are not those horrible, scarring, giant boil-like acne- but I still hate it!  I am a grown woman, shouldn’t I have left acne behind me with braces and training bras?

Most of my acne are whiteheads or blackheads.  Fun-fun.  It makes me feel ugly, gross.  Who wants people to see you like that?  I know people are looking at THEM, not at me.  It’s a feeling I really dislike.

During my break out- it's not giant, but those whiteheads are all over, especially my nose and hairline.  Hate it!

During my break out- it’s not giant, but those whiteheads are all over, especially my nose and hairline. Hate it! (photos taken with my smartphone in the bathroom mirror)

When I was younger, I had some success with Proactiv.  I used to get terrible back-ne (acne on your back) as well as face, but my back was awful.  Huge welts in addition to the whiteheads, large and small, and painful. The system gave me relief when nothing else did. Now that I’m an adult, I wanted to try out the new Proactiv+.


A bit about Proactiv-

Proactiv+ works because of its unique formulations and its overall regimen approach. Each proprietary formula targets a specific step in the acne process and builds on the previous step. Taken as a whole, the Proactiv+ system contains powerful medicines designed to kill bacteria, help reduce irritation, and exfoliate skin so pores don’t clog. Just like a blue ribbon winning recipe, our secret is this: Proactiv + has been scientifically designed for maximum efficacy. We strive our best to get the most out of what we believe are the best anti-acne ingredients out there And so will you.

It has three steps- 1, cleanse and exfoliate, 2, treat, and 3, repair and hydrate.  These three little bottles can work magic.  Just use them twice a day, in the morning and at night, and see what they can do for your complexion.  I still broke out during “my time”, but the rest of the month was not as bad.

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The “After” photo- no makeup, since I rarely wear any, but with someone else taking the photo, and sans bathroom lighting, haha.

If you are interested in trying it out for yourself, head to  and take the trial.  You have nothing to lose!

Beauty- so beautiful! LOL

With Proactiv+ mask on, hoping to clear up a breakout.

With Proactiv+ mask on, hoping to clear up a breakout.


  1. I need to this for myself!! Thanks!

  2. My second oldest used ProActiv when he was a kid. He really liked the routine of doing it.

  3. Ellen Christian says

    My daughter has used this and really did see good results. It’s a brand we really trust.

  4. I used Proactiv as a teen and it was great for me!

  5. i have heard some awesome things about proactiv.
    good luck!

  6. I am going to try this! I need a new product that works.

  7. i hope it works!

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